Why Is Allstar Weekend in Utah

Allstar Weekend at Staples
Outside of the finals, Allstar weekend is the biggest attraction of the NBA. It’s typically a spectacle that’s geared toward the fans. However, for some reason, this year they’re having it in Utah, which is clearly not geared toward the fans. Utah is probably the most bumble fuck state in the country. I mean seriously, who wants to go to Utah for an “extravagant” weekend in the Mormon capital of the world? Now, no disrespect to Mormons, we respect all religions, but no one’s clamoring to visit that state. I actually wouldn’t be shocked if there were only celebrities and Mormons there all weekend.
Now, why would the NBA even choose to hold it there to begin with? My guess, Salt lake city, Utah is a particularly small market and events over the past few years may have left the Jazz organization financially crippled. Therefore, the NBA is doing this as a way to generate revenue for the Jazz organization. At least that’s the only thing that makes any sense about this. Historically, Allstar weekend has usually been held in mid to large market sized cities because they attract the most spectators and generate the most revenue. This move is unprecedented for the NBA so something has to be up. Peace!