Why Does Hitler Get It Worse Than Stalin

Stalin vs Hitler
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Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two of the most brutal dictators in all of human history. Of the two, Hitler is by far the more recognizable name despite the fact that Stalin is responsible for 3-4 times the amount of genocide as Hitler, why? Could it be that the lives of those murdered by Hitler are considered more valuable than those taken by Stalin? Could it be that the U.S. wanted to erase all memory that it had dealings with Stalin prior to the cold war. Furthermore, it’s even more perplexing that we never hear much of anything about Mao Zedong. He was responsible for more genocide than Hitler and Stalin combined so he deserves his own separate post.

Stalin & Hitler

History Between America & Stalin

Evil and selfishness are hallmarks of the human species. Although Kanye West has fallen from grace, he said something profound in his interview with Lex Fridman. He said, “history is written by the winners”, he couldn’t have been more spot on. With the exception of the Vietnam war, America has been the winner in all major global conflicts. As a result, America has been able to curate history favorably for itself. Also, Americans like to portray themselves as the world’s moral compass (which couldn’t be more hypocritical). The fact of the matter is, America and the Stalin led Soviet Union fought side by side during WWII and that must never be forgotten.

Since America likes to be perceived as virtuous, lets examine that. The Gulag in the soviet union was a forced labor system that was instituted during the reign of Joseph Stalin. Its was essentially a system of slavery that he justified using the communist ideology. The estimated 30 million deaths under Stalin came as a manifestation of the Gulag. Knowing all this information, the U.S. didn’t hesitate to enter the war with him as an ally. This was a classic case of the U.S. abandoning morals for convenience which seems to happen often for a country that holds itself in such high esteem. I’ll probably talk more about this another day, but for now, peace!

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