We’re More Connected & Disconnected Than Ever

Social media has connected us in an unprecedented way. Suddenly, the physical distance that previously regulated our interactions has been made obsolete, which is a tremendous innovation. I mean, I can talk to my father who’s in Nigeria from my Chicago apartment with little to no effort. I am thankful to the Mark Zuckerberg’s and Jack Dorsey’s of the world for creating and maintaining such revolutionary inventions. However, these inventions are not all upside. There are major downsides to this technological revolution that I don’t think we quite know the implications of just yet. If you have the time, “the Social Dilemma” on Netflix is an intriguing documentary that everyone should watch. It outlines some of these deficiencies thoroughly from the perspectives of some of the very people who developed these applications.
How Disconnected And Connected We Are
Today, I’m only going to talk about one of the major deficiencies I’ve noticed in my time on social media. During my time on these social media networks, I’ve noticed that they’ve had a paradoxical effect on me as well as others around me. The very thing they are designed to do is connect us. But, recently I’ve been feeling more disconnected from the world than ever before and I think it’s a manifestation of this tech. I find myself staring at my phone screen far more than I ever thought possible. I’ve been doing it so often that I’ve been missing out on some the innate beauty that’s prevalent in my city. I find that I often times notice random pieces of architecture on streets that I walk on everyday, I notice less beautiful girls than I once did, and it feels like it’s only accelerating.
Lastly, these devices we’ve become addicted to have made us completely forget how intersexual dynamics work. Men and women nowadays are living in our own bubbles, with very few of us venturing out of them. What’s happened as a consequence, is that men and women have forgotten the fundamentals of the opposite sex. Men have started acting feminine, while women have started acting masculine. Therefore, dating has suffered catastrophically. We really need to so something to fix this issue because the survival of our country/species depends on it. Again, this is just on of the ways technology has connected and divided us, hopefully we’ll be able to go into more depth in the future. Peace!