The Worst Kind Of Racism

Racism is woven into the fabric of this America. But, what isn’t talked about enough is the forms it manifests in. There’s interpersonal racism, systemic racism, and intrapersonal racism. Now, there are probably many more, but I don’t feel like looking them up and delving into all of them today. I’m not delving into all the ones I’ve mentioned either. Today is strictly to talk about the racism that hits me the most profoundly, intrapersonal. I don’t even know if it’s a real term, but that’s what I’m calling it. Intrapersonal racism, like all racism, affects black people the most. It is the racial prejudice that’s shown by black people to black people. I have both perpetrated it and been on the receiving end of it several times.
Past Racism Experiences
For example, I’ve seen people that look like me walking around late at night (at a time I probably shouldn’t be out either) and had a visceral defensiveness to the fact that another black man was in my vicinity. However, I noticed a white guy walk past me one day at around the same time and I didn’t have that same reaction. Why did I feel less threatened by this person who for all I knew, could have had way worse intentions. I’ve seen my father assume a driver that cut him off on the freeway is black simply because they had tinted windows. I say that to say this, this runs very fucking deep.
The worst way I’ve seen this racism manifest, is in the people we choose to support. Most black people would rather support someone of another ethnicity in any endeavor than support another black person. To me, this is the most egregious of them all because, I see the racism from ethnic groups coming a mile away. But, when people who look like me and share my experiences also don’t want me to succeed, its hits different. It’s like a gut punch of the highest magnitude. That being said, we need to do better. I take responsibility for my role in it, but I’m only one person, it has to be all of us. We’ve been at the bottom for too fucking long, and this is a primary reason. Peace & love!