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For a time, being “woke” was a badge of honor in society. It meant that you saw/acknowledged the implicit injustices and prejudices prevalent in the world. It didn’t necessarily mean you were trying to do anything about them but it did mean you acknowledged their existence. Over time, the term has morphed into something more insidious. When you hear the term “woke” now, you immediately think of a person who’s ideologically driven to the point of madness. They’re typically very passionate about their cause and view themselves as the worlds leading moral arbiters. Furthermore, they believe this pseudo-morality gives them the latitude to appalling ideas and rhetoric that have no logical foundation. What’s worse, is that these people seem to be multiplying as the year’s progress.

Who The Woke Are

These people tend typically have the same characteristics as well. They are progressive leaning, activist types that champion LGBT movements, which aren’t inherently corrosive things. However, once you see how these people attempt to apply their ideology practically, you get a sense of why they’re so insufferable. The American political system was founded upon the principle of respectful discourse; its the basis of the 1st amendment. Furthermore, the 1st amendment provides latitude for the best, most sound ideas to manifest themselves. Over the past years, it has become clear that this principle is under siege. The “Woke mob” as they’ve become commonly known as, do not engage in respectful discourse, and they don’t want to. Any discourse with one of these people typically degenerates rapidly primarily because most of their ideas have no logical foundation to support them.

Why They Should Have Their Own Society

That said, I think the “woke” should have their own country apart from the rest of us. I think they should have their own society and be granted land that’s capable of sustaining their basic needs (food, shelter, etc.). Then, we should bid them farewell and good fortune as they navigate the intricacies of developing a new functional nation. I say this because some of their points do have an ethical basis. For example, they should feel like they can express themselves free of judgement, and they should be able to call each other what ever pronoun they choose on what ever day they feel like choosing it. However, the rest of us should not have to participate in the practice of their ideology either.

To that end, I think it’d be relatively easy to get them their own country because they make up a small percentage of our overall societal population even though they seem to be the loudest on social platforms. I also think their ideas and practices would be so stupid that their society would collapse into chaos within a decade, so we’d just be able to reclaim the land once they’ve destroyed themselves. We’d just have to redevelop once they’ve had their way with it. Peace!

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