The Lucky Sperm Club

paris hilton
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The lucky sperm club is a club that many of us are not apart of despite being very familiar with. Typically, they are entitled beneficiaries of the wealth and work derived from the competence of prior generations. It’s widespread knowledge that most of the wealth in this world is acquired as a consequence of inheritance. For most people in this world, the “game” is over before they/we ever even get to play. Directly speaking, the lucky sperm club refers to people born to wealth. That said, I fully respect wealth that’s earned through hard work and perseverance. However, wealth that’s just passed down through generations is bad for society in various ways.

Lucky Sperm Club Entitlement

For one, it creates entitled, out of touch people. Secondly, it concentrates most of the wealth in the hands of the few which perpetuates inequality, and lastly, it disincentivizes people on both ends of the spectrum to self-improve. Firstly, lets talk about how it creates entitled, out of touch people. When you grow up with everything handed to you on a silver platter, it’s easy to take things for granted. You become out of touch with real life because you don’t know what it’s like to struggle or to go without. You don’t understand the value of hard work or the importance of empathy. Therefore, consequently, your worldview is warped into believing you’re entitled to certain outcomes, which aren’t the case.

Secondly, the presence of the lucky sperm club tends to perpetuate inequality because the wealth and capital that used to be in circulation, stops being in circulation because they spend just enough to sustain themselves, which results in less people being able to build wealth for themselves and their families. That said, its important to point out that none of us chooses our parents. So, its just inherent that members of the lucky sperm club are just that, lucky.

Lastly, the lucky sperm club disincentivizes human growth on both ends of the spectrum. This happens because, the lucky sperm kids have everything handed to them so they never have to develop the skills necessary to work, take Paris Hilton for example, I don’t even know why she’s famous other than the fact that she’s heir to the Hilton hospitality business. Adversely, the people at the bottom view their efforts as futile because they won’t ever achieve that level of wealth.


In conclusion, the lucky sperm club are a scourge to society. They’re incredibly self-centered people whose worldview is predicated on whatever bubble of people they’re surrounded by. Often times, they lack self awareness skills, they never develop into self sustaining adults, and they extract wealth from the actual hardworking people. Peace!

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