No One Gives A Fuck About Your Pronouns

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Over recent years, free speech has been at the center of the culture war. Telling people what they have to say has become a hallmark of certain communities. These people believe they have the latitude to tell others how we must address them but fail to understand that; no one has to address them at all. The fact that these people are being manipulated and remain ignorant of it is alarming. Moral virtue is one of the most easily manipulatable ideals in modern civilization. As long as people think they’re “being kind”, they won’t process the potentially underlying implications of their actions. It makes my blood boil thinking about just how far this has gone in our society.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, no one cares

No One Ever Looks At History

“Most bad ideas start off as good ones”. Addressing people how they want to be addressed seems benign and compassionate on the surface, however, when you start telling people what they have to say, how they have to think and then directing animosity towards them for not acting the way you want them to; you’ve crossed the fucking line. Tyranny comes in many forms and what I’ve just described is one form of it. If someone doesn’t address you how you want to be addressed, guess what, you don’t have to respond to them. As a matter of fact, no one has to interact at all, it is completely within everyone’s free will.


That being said, I don’t think that these people should be ostracized from society or made to feel lesser than. I just believe that no one (myself included) should have the right to impose their views or insecurities on other people while attempting to claim some moral high ground in the process. Thanks for reading guys, farewell!

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