Music Isn’t Music Anymore

Music is a transcendent, centripetal force. It binds the human race across generations of time. Music is a record of history that symbolizes the creativity and intellect of its era. The 60s gave us disco, the 70s gave us rap and punk rock, the 80s/90s gave us great hip hop and the 2000s gave us pop. Throughout these eras, we’ve seen an evolution of the greatest compositional genres of human history. The 2010s gave us mumble rap, a genre defined by lyrics so bad that no one can understand them. Throughout my lifetime, I watched music devolve into degenerate garbage and its permeating into broader society.
Mumble Rap Music
Mumble rap tends to glorify drugs, violence and really just stupidity. As I mentioned earlier, music is a manifestation of the intellect and creativity of society during its era. Therefore, what does “mumble rap” say about our era? It certainly doesn’t say we’re creative or intelligent. As a matter of fact, I would argue that it displays the exact opposite. If you think I’m lying, I’d ask you to find 10 widespread mainstream hits from the last decade that you can understand the words and promotes positive productive depictions of society. It’s almost as if there’s been a rapid “Benjamin Buttoning” of music since the middle of the previous decade. Its actually gotten do bad that people have just began looking towards music from other parts of the world which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but, is clearly an indictment on the music in their own country.
I love music. It has helped me through some of the toughest times off my life. However, I don’t see how the garbage that’s been polluting or soundwaves can possibly be having the same impact on other people that it had on me. As a matter of fact, I think some the increases in suicide, assault, battery, and a host of other crimes are directly correlated with the degradation of musical proficiency we’ve seen over the years. America needs transcendent music, particularly through the tough times. Please bring it back. Peace!