Lonely Women Get Spiteful Around Valentines Day

For most people, Valentines day is a day to celebrate love. I think it’s a day that was manufactured for businesses to make money off of female emotions. But, that’s a story for another day. Almost every single year of my adult life, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend around this time of year. Women, typically college educated, get a little more irritable than usual. They’re set off by things that seem benign by nature and that anger gets exponentially larger the closer Valentine’s day gets. I’ve realized that these women are lonely and angry as a manifestation of that.
Valentines Day Impact
Women are much more socially influenced than men are, its just a fact. So, I can imagine that watching your friends go on dates and receive flowers and chocolates while you’re not getting so much as a text can be very upsetting to these women. You work hard, have a good job, and deserve love. Actually, you don’t deserve shit. No one cares about how hard you work, and you don’t deserve anything you don’t earn in this world. So save yourself the pity party and start learning how to make yourself more attractive so you don’t have spend Valentine’s days buying yourself chocolate and crying on the couch. That brings me to my last point; Galentines.
Galentine’s for those who don’t know was a marketing spin on Valentines day to include all the lonely bitches out there. Its one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. Women who don’t have any meaningful intimate relationships are being told its ok that they have no one, which is obviously a lie because it make them unhappy. Then again, I see the genius behind the idea. Monetizing the insecurity of lonely women can be profitable, particularly if they’re too naïve to realize it. So, while I don’t think it’s an ethical way to make money, I understand business isn’t always ethical.
That said, speaking to women(people) directly, “your loneliness is not anyone else’s problem. You’re not entitled to act like a cunt because you don’t have a significant other”. Become a better version of your, so next year when this time comes, you’ll have someone to celebrate it with. Peace!