By now, we’ve seen all the public ostracization of both Kanye and Kyrie, 2 successful black men who, undoubtedly with their flaws, are symbolic figures of the black community. What has transpired over the past few weeks has been a reminder that no matter how successful we get, we will never be free. The 13th amendment abolishes slavery, or so it says, however, my brothers and sisters, do you feel free? Do you feel liberated, like you’re free to truly pursue happiness? Neither do I.
Our most populated sports leagues are owned & operated by people who don’t look like us. Our most famous entertainment outlets (B.E.T etc.), are owned & operated by people who don’t look like us. Our art & fashion are owned by people who don’t look like us. Our communities look like 3rd world countries, our brothers make up the incarcerated majority, and our children are the most uneducated in the world. There’s clearly going to be a purging of the workforce. Venture a guess as to what community will be impacted the most by the upcoming layoffs/firing. Yet, for some reason, we continue to put our time and resources into these things that have proven to not be beneficial to us as a people.
If it isn’t apparent already, I want to state this for the record. I don’t believe that you need to tear down one group to build up another. With that being said, this is not an anti-semitic/anti-white message, this is a pro-black message. To solve our problems, we need one another, but what has been happening to Kanye and Kyrie reminds black people of the “make an example out of him” trope from this nation’s period of slavery. Again, this is not to be indifferent to the suffering of the Jewish community; the holocaust was a real and tragic event, and it’s not to be minimized, but once Kanye and Kyrie apologized; you don’t have to accept them, but you also don’t have to ruin their lives either. Peace!