Its Not A Problem Until It Happens To You

Everyone in the world is dealing with their own form of problem. Over the past few decades, as human beings, we have lost empathy for the fellow man. The shift has clearly come as a manifestation of social media becoming the primary medium of social interaction. It’s essentially taken the emotion out of the world and we’re seeing its implications in real time. A few weeks ago, I saw someone I knew asking for help. They were struggling and their mother was about to be evicted from her home. Their post was essentially a plea for help, she’d started a “GoFundMe” to help raise money for her mother.
I Didn’t Know Until I Had A Problem
The truth is, I saw the post, looked at it for maybe 4 seconds and never thought about it again. I say that to say this, even though I wasn’t in the position to help in any way, the idea that I could see another human suffering and feel nothing, is completely egregious. That was a completely horrible human reaction to have for someone going through a tough situation. I also say that because, not too long after that, I was/still am in a tough spot. However, for some reason I thought I could reach out for help and someone would be there. So, although I’d been so indifferent to another person situation, I was somehow expecting my case to be different. But, that’s not how the world works, and I was being stupid for even thinking it did.
Although on some level I knew this already, I came to a profound realization that day. Most people (myself included) only give a fuck about bad situations that directly involve them. That is the harsh reality of the world we live in, and it’s only been exacerbated by the presence of social media. Our society is spiraling downward fast and there seems to be no hope in sight. I’m not gonna say “start caring more about each other” because most of you would just keep going about your lives. I will say this, visualize yourself in bad situations and think about whether you have people there and whether you’re there for other people. Peace!