
Technology has been rapidly changing our lives since the turn of the century. Canceled thoughts will provide commentary on the positives and negatives of technology and its pioneers as they manifest themselves!

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The Best YouTube Channels

That are countless YouTube channels in the world right now. Some with hundreds of millions of subscribers, and some with absolutely none. the implication is that those with the most subscribers are the best, but that's just not the case in my opinion. Two of the YouTube channels with the most subscribers on the platform are "MrBeast" and "Pewdiepie" whose channels focus on two completely different things. Collectively, they have about 250 million subscribers. However, just because they have some of the largest subscriber bases, doesn't mean they have the best channels. "Sometimes popularity is just a measure of how much people aren't thinking" (Ayishat Akanbi).

Now, I'm not saying Pewdiepie and MrBeast are making unentertaining videos. As a matter of fact, the fact that their channels have some of the most subscribers may implicate quite the opposite. What I am saying, is that the content some of these larger channels may make can lack the substance of other perhaps much smaller channels. "Aba & Preach" for example is a reaction channel that's much smaller than either of the previous 2 channels. But, the content they release is much more wholesome and nuanced. Watching Aba & Preach's content often teaches people something in an entertaining manner. Their channel also sometimes act as a medium of news media for people who've grow tired of the mainstream outlets.

Dear Apple, Please Bring Back The Studio 2’s

Dear Apple, Please Bring Back The Studio 2’s

Apple is one of the largest conglomerates in the world. They have a strangle hold on the cellular manufacturing industry and have a great many other electronic products that dominate the market. Music is one of the greatest aspects of living in this world. I haven't met a human alive who is fond of it. So, when apple acquired "Beats By Dre" in 2014, I was very skeptical. Full disclosure, everyone knows large corporations are bad, but we believe Apple to be by far, the worst. We believe Apple does a great marketing inferior products that are engineered for obsolescence. That being said, when Apple acquired Beats, I was not happy. However, when they released the 1st few versions of the Beats studio headphones, I can't lie, I was impressed. The sound quality, and not to mention, the bass made them the hottest headphones on the market.

Memories Of Beats Before Apple

The original Beats Studio's were good, but the Studio 2's were immaculate. I still remember the 1st day I brought home my gloss white studio 2's. I had gotten them on sale for black Friday, I remember I couldn't afford to pay full price for them so I'd saved up all year for that one night, got to best buy thanksgiving night and got the last white pair. It was straight out of a fucking holiday story. I went straight home, unwrapped the plastic and didn't even bother to read the instructions. I plugged the aux cable into my headphones, watched the lights come on then plugged it in to my phone, turned the volume up all the way, then spent the next 4 hours laying in my bed listening to my entire playlist with no care for the outside world. That memory, I will cherish always.


I say all that to say this, the Studio 3's do not make me feel that same rush. After my Studio 2's broke, I bought them a few years ago expecting an upgrade and I was woefully disappointed. The signature bass I had come to expect from the headphones weren't there, and the overall experience made me feel like I had bought a product that trying to be something it wasn't. As a loyal "Beats" customer, I do not want you to change the foundational principles of why I loved the product, I just want you to improve on what was already there, and these didn't do that. With that being said, "I beg and I plead, but today I am still just a bill". But seriously, please re-release the Studio 2's, my perception of music is just not the same without them. Peace!

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Jeff Bezos is to most people, one of the most evil people in the world. He founded and still operates one of the most evil companies in the world. For years, the giving oath, which is a virtue signaling act that the billionaire class takes in the eyes of the public. The fact of the matter is that, these billionaires don't give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves. The pledge states that each member vows to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic ventures. This pledge is bullshit. For example, the pledge was founded by William Gates & Warren Buffett who have both pledged their wealth. However, typically when you donate money, the idea is that you donate it to a cause or organization that implements those funds on your behalf. With Buffett and Gates, they've been donating their wealth for years to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Ask yourself, who sits on the board of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Bill/Melinda Gates & Warren Buffett. So effectively, they've been giving their money to themselves for years.


The Bezos situation is even worse. For years, Bezos has rejected even signing that giving pledge for whatever reason he'd say publicly. But we all knew it was because Bezos didn't give a shit. To be fair, I don't necessarily think he has to give a shit. I think in order to achieve the levels of success they have, it requires a certain level dedication that results in massive loneliness. Furthermore, I think once they get to that level and the fake people start to migrate towards them, they should be fucking pissed. In that regard, I completely understand, I just have a problem with people being disingenuous.

Now, we all know there's an incoming recession. I imagine, as all bad things that happen in society, the people of the lower class will feel it the worst. I think people like Bezos are aware that when situations like this occur, those people who feel the repercussions of a failing economy will naturally turn their rage towards the wealthy. Also, I think it'll be particularly easier for people to turn that rage towards the ultra wealthy. Bezos is a smart man, this move is just a calculated move to garner favor publicly. He can say all the nonsense about finally feeling comfortable enough to give away his wealth, but its bullshit. We need to start thinking more clearly as a society and stop being played like pawns by these people. Peace!

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Its Not A Problem Until It Happens To You

Everyone in the world is dealing with their own form of problem. Over the past few decades, as human beings, we have lost empathy for the fellow man. The shift has clearly come as a manifestation of social media becoming the primary medium of social interaction. It's essentially taken the emotion out of the world and we're seeing its implications in real time. A few weeks ago, I saw someone I knew asking for help. They were struggling and their mother was about to be evicted from her home. Their post was essentially a plea for help, she'd started a "GoFundMe" to help raise money for her mother.

I Didn't Know Until I Had A Problem

The truth is, I saw the post, looked at it for maybe 4 seconds and never thought about it again. I say that to say this, even though I wasn't in the position to help in any way, the idea that I could see another human suffering and feel nothing, is completely egregious. That was a completely horrible human reaction to have for someone going through a tough situation. I also say that because, not too long after that, I was/still am in a tough spot. However, for some reason I thought I could reach out for help and someone would be there. So, although I'd been so indifferent to another person situation, I was somehow expecting my case to be different. But, that's not how the world works, and I was being stupid for even thinking it did.

Although on some level I knew this already, I came to a profound realization that day. Most people (myself included) only give a fuck about bad situations that directly involve them. That is the harsh reality of the world we live in, and it's only been exacerbated by the presence of social media. Our society is spiraling downward fast and there seems to be no hope in sight. I'm not gonna say "start caring more about each other" because most of you would just keep going about your lives. I will say this, visualize yourself in bad situations and think about whether you have people there and whether you're there for other people. Peace!


A.I. Should Replace Teachers 1st

A.I. is officially here and it's not going away any time soon. A.I. is going to change the world in ways that are currently incomprehensible to average minds. That said, I'm not a major advocate of A.I. because it's likely going to put most people out of work. However, if there were a sector I would support and advocate completely removing the human element from, it'd be education. Education is the one sector of western civilization that needs to be completely overhauled from top to bottom. The education system has been failing students and broader society for decades now and I think the implications of A.I. would be far more beneficial than they would be detrimental to society.

The Situation

First off, school(particularly college) has become an absolute joke. Once regarded as a rite of passage towards success, college nowadays is viewed as an over-expensive waste of time. Theoretically, education is supposed to be where students enter "stupid" and leave "smart", or at least smarter than they were. However, over the last decades, kids are not only not coming out "smarter", they're coming out noticeably stupider. Nowadays, parents are more frustrated than ever because schools have essentially become activist factories. Furthermore, I think this shift is a direct consequence of faculties/administrations that are quite frankly, terrible at their jobs.

How A.I. Would Help

Secondly, the value of a degree has plummeted because they give one to everybody, and everyone is not deserving. Throughout college, I've met countless intelligent people who got lower grades in class simply because they weren't ass-kissers or because they disagreed with a professor. Conversely, I've seen even more complete fucking idiots get great grades in classes they had no business in, simply because they were great ass-kissers. I think A.I. would eliminate biases of that nature almost entirely.

In conclusion, college has become one of the most expensive investments a person can make in their lifetime. I think the number comes out to something like 100x more expensive now than in previous generations. Therefore, I would support A.I. replacing people for this reason as well. Once you invest in the initial cost of acquiring the machines, you no longer have to worry about paying teacher salaries, which should theoretically drive down the cost. Of course, you'd probably need to employ more security guards to maintain the peace in classrooms but their salaries are much lower than that of teachers and administrations. Peace!

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I Stand For Free Speech, Now Put My Microchips In Your Brain

Are microchips a good thing? Elon Musk seems to think so because his company's developing microchips he eventually wants everyone to insert into their brains. We hold the firm belief that to achieve the unprecedented levels of wealth Elon Musk has attained, there is a degree of intelligence/insanity that one must possess. The wealthiest people in the world are oftentimes either driven by greatness or by power. One of those characteristics is beneficial to society while the other is oppressively destructive to society. Furthermore, here lies the problem; as mentioned earlier, a degree of intelligence is required to achieve what Elon has achieved. Therefore, we know he's intelligent.

As Jordan Peterson has stated in the past, "greatness can be mimicked by those who seek power". Particularly, because we want the great to be powerful. However, what tends to happen with people only seeking power is that once they get it, they only seem to want more of it. In the case of Elon Musk, he may be truly great, which is rare in our species. He's created electric cars and shot rockets to space. However, while his intentions my seem pure on the surface, some of his recent actions may require a bit of skepticism. On one hand, he's purchased Twitter under the publicly stated motive that he stands for free speech. However, a case could be made that he only bought it because he wanted the power to control it instead.

Neuralink Microchips

Then there's the variable of "Neuralink", the microchips one of his companies is developing. This microchip inserts directly into the brain and supposedly gives a person direct access to the internet. However, I'd be remiss not to ask, what else could this microchip do, could it be accessed at will by its manufacturer and used to literally control people's minds, or could it quite literally just blow someone's fucking head off? In the past, people have been quite skeptical about such things, particularly because of their potential to cause catastrophic damage. Also, if Elon were a power hungry maniac, what better way to sell people on the idea of putting your chips in their brains than to point to your track record of building electric cars and "fighting for free speech". Not to compare the them, but no one predicted Hitler and Stalin's capacities for the atrocities they committed.


All in all, we are not condemning Elon Musk, merely stating that there are reasons to skeptical about some of his moves. Being great is rare and there are very few people who are truly great. Elon might be one of them, but he could also be an evil narcissist. We should learn from the mistakes of the 20th century and ensure they never manifest again. Greatness doesn't seek power, but power does seek greatness. Peace & Love!

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We’re More Connected & Disconnected Than Ever

Social media has connected us in an unprecedented way. Suddenly, the physical distance that previously regulated our interactions has been made obsolete, which is a tremendous innovation. I mean, I can talk to my father who's in Nigeria from my Chicago apartment with little to no effort. I am thankful to the Mark Zuckerberg's and Jack Dorsey's of the world for creating and maintaining such revolutionary inventions. However, these inventions are not all upside. There are major downsides to this technological revolution that I don't think we quite know the implications of just yet. If you have the time, "the Social Dilemma" on Netflix is an intriguing documentary that everyone should watch. It outlines some of these deficiencies thoroughly from the perspectives of some of the very people who developed these applications.

How Disconnected And Connected We Are

Today, I'm only going to talk about one of the major deficiencies I've noticed in my time on social media. During my time on these social media networks, I've noticed that they've had a paradoxical effect on me as well as others around me. The very thing they are designed to do is connect us. But, recently I've been feeling more disconnected from the world than ever before and I think it's a manifestation of this tech. I find myself staring at my phone screen far more than I ever thought possible. I've been doing it so often that I've been missing out on some the innate beauty that's prevalent in my city. I find that I often times notice random pieces of architecture on streets that I walk on everyday, I notice less beautiful girls than I once did, and it feels like it's only accelerating.

Lastly, these devices we've become addicted to have made us completely forget how intersexual dynamics work. Men and women nowadays are living in our own bubbles, with very few of us venturing out of them. What's happened as a consequence, is that men and women have forgotten the fundamentals of the opposite sex. Men have started acting feminine, while women have started acting masculine. Therefore, dating has suffered catastrophically. We really need to so something to fix this issue because the survival of our country/species depends on it. Again, this is just on of the ways technology has connected and divided us, hopefully we'll be able to go into more depth in the future. Peace!

Gen-Z Is Stupid Because You Gave Them All Phones

Gen-Z Is Stupid Because You Gave Them All Phones

By now, most people have decided and rightfully so, that gen-z fucking sucks! They're overly sensitive, group thinkers, with the passion and vigor of strong-minded, ignorant soldiers. But, believe it or not, they aren't entirely to blame for their ignorance, their parents are. The reality is, the outcomes of Gen-Z are all a manifestation of the digital revolution and the parents who just gave their kids cellphones instead of parenting them. Now, most parents will say that "being a parent is hard" and "going to work all day and then coming home and parenting is tiresome", which are valid statements. However, those aren't excuses, you made conscious decisions to have them, which makes them your responsibility. If you didn't want the responsibility, you shouldn't have fucking had kids.

With that being said though, the Gen-z population is entering adulthood so we now speak directly to you. The mistakes that your parents may have made do not absolve you either. Recognize that you brought up in shitty environments and take responsibility for improving yourself. The shit you see on social media whether its tik-tok, instagram, snapchat, twitter etc. is not real. Most of the shit is fake and made up to keep you buying and spending to make the richest people in the world even richer.