Pop Culture

Pop culture is the distraction that keeps many of us from succeeding in the world. These will be our takes on some of the absurdities of todays culture!


Billionaires: The Innovator vs The Inheritor

Economic divide

Extreme Poverty Threatens Societal & Economic Stability

Preventing Social Unrest

Strengthening Social Cohesion

Reducing Crime Rates

Promoting Economic Resilience

Enhancing Public Health

Supporting Social Safety Nets

Fostering Long-Term Stability and Growth

Building Trust in Institutions


Money is the medium by which all goods and services are rendered in the modern world. Over the course of the past few years, that medium has become far more scarce to most people. Furthermore, the forecast is that the scarcity is only going to increase in the next few years. Typically, this means that a lot of people are about to lose their jobs. What happens when people lose their jobs is that they stop being law abiding citizens. Sure, some of them will continue to follow the law, but most will revert to primal impulses of survival.

There are many things that become increasingly apparent with terrible situations like the one we're in. The 1st, is that the system is very volatile which leads to unpredictability. The second and more important, is that a reality sets in that money really deters violence which is an underlying determinant of society. When fewer and fewer people have it readily available, the emergence of violence paints a more accurate portrayal of the world than most people have experienced. Then, the chaos that ensues displays just how meaningless money is when shit really hits the fan. Peace!



Nick Cannon’s Sex life Is Nobodies Business

Hey, what's up everybody? It's your boy Betterdayz, and I want to talk to y'all about something that's been bugging me lately: people getting all up in Nick Cannon's love life. Look, I get it, the man's famous, he's successful, he's got a lot of eyes on him. But that doesn't mean we should be all up in his business like that.

First off, let's talk about some real shit here: Nick Cannon is a grown-ass man. He's got his own life, thoughts, and feelings. He doesn't need anybody else to tell him what to do or who to love. He's got his own agency, and we need to respect that. Furthermore, he's wealthy enough to provide for all his kids while there are plenty of deadbeats out there who have plenty of kids and can't afford to finance shit.

Now, I know some of y'all might be saying, "Well, he's a celebrity, he signed up for this kind of attention." But let me ask you something: just because someone's famous, does that mean we have the right to invade their personal lives? Hell no. Just because someone's in the public eye doesn't mean they don't deserve privacy and respect.

And let's be real, y'all. The only reason we care so much about Nick Cannon's love life is because it's gossip. It's drama. It's entertainment. But here's the thing: we don't need to be entertained by someone else's personal life. We don't need to be sticking our noses in somebody else's business just for the sake of being nosy.

So let's cut Nick Cannon some slack, huh? Let's give the man some space to live his life. Let's focus on what really matters, like spreading love and positivity in our own lives. And hey, if you really want some juicy gossip, how about you go read a book or something? Trust me, there's plenty of drama and scandal in those things.

In conclusion, Nick Cannon's love life is no one's business but his own. Let's give the man the respect and privacy he deserves. And let's focus on living our own lives, rather than getting caught up in somebody else's drama. Peace out, y'all.

Chappelle Is The G.O.A.T

Chappelle Is The G.O.A.T

Dave Chappelle is the undisputed greatest comedian of all time. All you fucking woke SJWs can suck it. Every one of Dave Chapelle's specials beginning with the "Age of Spin" to "The Closer" was fucking spectacular. His most spectacular special obviously being "sticks and stones"; the first one that drove all the outrage. Then he released "the closer" which is an epic closer to his Netflix contract. Chappelle is the greatest because he's un-cancelable. Nowadays, it seems like everyone can be canceled. While comedians like Kevin Hart have to go on apology tours for some joke they said in the past, Dave Chappelle is saying whatever the fuck he wants and they still can't cancel him.

It's even funnier because they've actually tried. They tried writing shitty reviews, giving his specials shitty ratings and slandering his name all over media, and all it did was make him even more famous. Dave has a unique talent of synthesizing the truth with comedic flare and storytelling that's unparalleled by any other comedian I've ever seen. That said, while my opinion on Dave's comedy is that of a fan, I think the opinions of his peers matter significantly more because they understand the intricacies of comedy on a level that I couldn't imagine.

Kevin Hart On Dave Chappelle

On Joe Rogan's podcast, Kevin Hart, a fellow comic said the exact same thing, Chappelle is the GOAT. He then went on to share a story about the moment he knew it. "Me and Chris Rock were going over lines and we had some descent material" he says, "then Dave walks in and asks if he can go up too". "he kills it, and in that moment, both me and Chris look at each other and crumple up all the material we'd worked on because it just wasn't up to par". The respect that emulated from his voice when Kevin said those words was powerful. Other comedians like Andrew Schultz and Joe Rogan have alluded to the same thing. No one can do it like Dave. I just hope the GOAT doesn't wait too long to release another Netflix special. Thanks for reading. Peace!

The Brazilian Butt Lift Epidemic

The Brazilian Butt Lift Epidemic

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Jeff Bezos is to most people, one of the most evil people in the world. He founded and still operates one of the most evil companies in the world. For years, the giving oath, which is a virtue signaling act that the billionaire class takes in the eyes of the public. The fact of the matter is that, these billionaires don't give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves. The pledge states that each member vows to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic ventures. This pledge is bullshit. For example, the pledge was founded by William Gates & Warren Buffett who have both pledged their wealth. However, typically when you donate money, the idea is that you donate it to a cause or organization that implements those funds on your behalf. With Buffett and Gates, they've been donating their wealth for years to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Ask yourself, who sits on the board of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Bill/Melinda Gates & Warren Buffett. So effectively, they've been giving their money to themselves for years.


The Bezos situation is even worse. For years, Bezos has rejected even signing that giving pledge for whatever reason he'd say publicly. But we all knew it was because Bezos didn't give a shit. To be fair, I don't necessarily think he has to give a shit. I think in order to achieve the levels of success they have, it requires a certain level dedication that results in massive loneliness. Furthermore, I think once they get to that level and the fake people start to migrate towards them, they should be fucking pissed. In that regard, I completely understand, I just have a problem with people being disingenuous.

Now, we all know there's an incoming recession. I imagine, as all bad things that happen in society, the people of the lower class will feel it the worst. I think people like Bezos are aware that when situations like this occur, those people who feel the repercussions of a failing economy will naturally turn their rage towards the wealthy. Also, I think it'll be particularly easier for people to turn that rage towards the ultra wealthy. Bezos is a smart man, this move is just a calculated move to garner favor publicly. He can say all the nonsense about finally feeling comfortable enough to give away his wealth, but its bullshit. We need to start thinking more clearly as a society and stop being played like pawns by these people. Peace!


I Love Harry Potter & I Always Will

Well, well, well. It seems like everyone's got an opinion on Harry Potter these days. But you know what? I'm still a fan. And I always will be. Here's why:

First off, let's get one thing straight. J.K. Rowling may have said some controversial things lately, but that doesn't change the fact that the Harry Potter books are a work of art. They're beautifully crafted, with richly drawn characters and a detailed, immersive world that readers can't help but get lost in.

And sure, there are some valid criticisms of the books themselves. Some people say they're too long, or too convoluted, or that they rely too heavily on tired fantasy tropes. But you know what? Those people are missing the point.

Harry Potter isn't just about magic and dragons and prophecies. It's about friendship, and bravery, and standing up for what's right even when it's hard. It's about growing up and finding your place in the world, and learning to overcome your fears and weaknesses.

And that's why I'll always love Harry Potter. Because even though I've read the books a dozen times, they never get old. They're a reminder of the best parts of childhood - the sense of wonder, the excitement of discovery, the joy of reading a truly great story.

Now, I know some people will say that we shouldn't support J.K. Rowling because of her recent comments. But you know what? I'm not going to throw out something I love just because of one person's views. I'll continue to enjoy the books, and I'll continue to critique the author's words separately.

As Mark Twain once said, "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read." Well, Harry Potter may be a classic, but I'll keep reading it over and over again. And I'll keep loving it, no matter what anyone else says.

So, haters gonna hate, and critics gonna critique. But I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the Boy Who Lived, and the world of magic he inhabits. At the end of the day, Harry Potter is about something bigger than just one author's views. It's about the enduring power of storytelling and the magic that comes from immersing ourselves in a truly great book.


Woke SJW’s Should Have Their Own Country

For a time, being "woke" was a badge of honor in society. It meant that you saw/acknowledged the implicit injustices and prejudices prevalent in the world. It didn't necessarily mean you were trying to do anything about them but it did mean you acknowledged their existence. Over time, the term has morphed into something more insidious. When you hear the term "woke" now, you immediately think of a person who's ideologically driven to the point of madness. They're typically very passionate about their cause and view themselves as the worlds leading moral arbiters. Furthermore, they believe this pseudo-morality gives them the latitude to appalling ideas and rhetoric that have no logical foundation. What's worse, is that these people seem to be multiplying as the year's progress.

Who The Woke Are

These people tend typically have the same characteristics as well. They are progressive leaning, activist types that champion LGBT movements, which aren't inherently corrosive things. However, once you see how these people attempt to apply their ideology practically, you get a sense of why they're so insufferable. The American political system was founded upon the principle of respectful discourse; its the basis of the 1st amendment. Furthermore, the 1st amendment provides latitude for the best, most sound ideas to manifest themselves. Over the past years, it has become clear that this principle is under siege. The "Woke mob" as they've become commonly known as, do not engage in respectful discourse, and they don't want to. Any discourse with one of these people typically degenerates rapidly primarily because most of their ideas have no logical foundation to support them.

Why They Should Have Their Own Society

That said, I think the "woke" should have their own country apart from the rest of us. I think they should have their own society and be granted land that's capable of sustaining their basic needs (food, shelter, etc.). Then, we should bid them farewell and good fortune as they navigate the intricacies of developing a new functional nation. I say this because some of their points do have an ethical basis. For example, they should feel like they can express themselves free of judgement, and they should be able to call each other what ever pronoun they choose on what ever day they feel like choosing it. However, the rest of us should not have to participate in the practice of their ideology either.

To that end, I think it'd be relatively easy to get them their own country because they make up a small percentage of our overall societal population even though they seem to be the loudest on social platforms. I also think their ideas and practices would be so stupid that their society would collapse into chaos within a decade, so we'd just be able to reclaim the land once they've destroyed themselves. We'd just have to redevelop once they've had their way with it. Peace!

elon musk, tesla motors, man-7465608.jpg

I Stand For Free Speech, Now Put My Microchips In Your Brain

Are microchips a good thing? Elon Musk seems to think so because his company's developing microchips he eventually wants everyone to insert into their brains. We hold the firm belief that to achieve the unprecedented levels of wealth Elon Musk has attained, there is a degree of intelligence/insanity that one must possess. The wealthiest people in the world are oftentimes either driven by greatness or by power. One of those characteristics is beneficial to society while the other is oppressively destructive to society. Furthermore, here lies the problem; as mentioned earlier, a degree of intelligence is required to achieve what Elon has achieved. Therefore, we know he's intelligent.

As Jordan Peterson has stated in the past, "greatness can be mimicked by those who seek power". Particularly, because we want the great to be powerful. However, what tends to happen with people only seeking power is that once they get it, they only seem to want more of it. In the case of Elon Musk, he may be truly great, which is rare in our species. He's created electric cars and shot rockets to space. However, while his intentions my seem pure on the surface, some of his recent actions may require a bit of skepticism. On one hand, he's purchased Twitter under the publicly stated motive that he stands for free speech. However, a case could be made that he only bought it because he wanted the power to control it instead.

Neuralink Microchips

Then there's the variable of "Neuralink", the microchips one of his companies is developing. This microchip inserts directly into the brain and supposedly gives a person direct access to the internet. However, I'd be remiss not to ask, what else could this microchip do, could it be accessed at will by its manufacturer and used to literally control people's minds, or could it quite literally just blow someone's fucking head off? In the past, people have been quite skeptical about such things, particularly because of their potential to cause catastrophic damage. Also, if Elon were a power hungry maniac, what better way to sell people on the idea of putting your chips in their brains than to point to your track record of building electric cars and "fighting for free speech". Not to compare the them, but no one predicted Hitler and Stalin's capacities for the atrocities they committed.


All in all, we are not condemning Elon Musk, merely stating that there are reasons to skeptical about some of his moves. Being great is rare and there are very few people who are truly great. Elon might be one of them, but he could also be an evil narcissist. We should learn from the mistakes of the 20th century and ensure they never manifest again. Greatness doesn't seek power, but power does seek greatness. Peace & Love!


Dear Gen-Z, All Your Favorite Rappers Will Probably Be Dead Soon!

Gen-Z might be killing their favorite rappers indirectly. Throughout human history, music has provided our species with an escape from the harsh realities of life. Particularly, for black people during the era of slavery, music made life bearable. Throughout history, that music has undergone several transformations. However, this recent iteration of music has taken a turn for the worst, particularly in the "rap" genre. Rap is the most popular genre of music in the modern world. The most widely consumed form of rap is the rap that's promoting the drug dealing/consuming lifestyle. Some may say, that rap has always promoted that and they'd be right. However, the issue with that is, just as music has evolved, drugs have evolved as well. Where "rap" of the past promoted drugs like weed and cocaine, rap of today promotes synthetic drugs(Molly, Fentanyl, Xanax, Percocet's, etc.). Now I'm not a doctor, but these synthetic drugs are much more potent than weed and cocaine.

Lil Peep

That being said, in recent years, there's been a trend of rappers fatally overdosing. From rappers like Juice Wrld to people like Lil Peep just to name a few, that have died recently. What's more concerning is that this trend of music seems to not be course-correcting. Their rappers are continuing to live a drug-infested lifestyle, which is being portrayed in the music their fanbases are listening to, and they're ultimately dying as a manifestation. Lastly, the market decides what the popular, so there must be some accountability for the fans because the artists curate their music based on their preferences. Peace!

Kevin Samuels

Was Kevin Samuels Murdered

Kevin Samuels was known to many as the "Godfather" of what has come to be known as the "Manosphere". While he was still alive, Kevin Samuels ran one of the largest up-and-coming YouTube channels in the world; focused on giving people advice, primarily on dating. As many can imagine, like anything successful, Kevin's channel drew an obscene amount of criticism, primarily from people who have an objection to objective reality. That being said, here's why we believe the details surrounding Kevin Samuels' death situation were peculiar. To lay the groundwork, here are a few facts: Women are the driving force of businesses (economies), billionaires are well connected, billionaires benefit from women driving business more than anyone else, and Kevin ran a podcast that angered women.

Details On Kevin's Death

On May 5th, 2022 Kevin was pronounced dead 3 days before mothers day when he had a "heart attack" next to a woman who was a nurse. According to reports, the woman he was with (a nurse), had to wait for the paramedics to arrive so they could administer CPR. On May 12th, 2022 Kevin was featured on an episode of the mainstream show "Atlanta", exactly 7 days after he died. Here's our theory, one(or more) of the well-connected individuals in the world got word that Kevin's influence was about to enter the mainstream of culture with an appearance on this show, and they concluded that this was a potential disruptor to the bottom line of their business/es and made the decision to eliminate that disruption. Also, they figured that they'd do it at a time when it would be celebrated by naïve people with no desire to analyze the situation with any degree of skepticism. That being said, this was just a theory we had based on some facts that seem very peculiarly coincidental and we don't know if any of this is true. It just seems rather odd to blindly believe this was all coincidence. Well, thanks for reading, peace & love!

Andrew 3

Why Andrew Tate Really Got Banned

Andrew Tate is one of the most polarizing public figures in society. He's been labeled a "misogynist, human trafficker, etc.", but the truth is, anyone with a functional brain who's taken the time to seek out his long-format content and formulate their own opinion of him, knows none of that is true. Unfortunately, independent thought has been engineered out of most people in society and they just seem to believe whatever they're told to; with little to no skepticism. From what we've dug up, the outrage that seems to be aimed at Andrew Tate is an emotional response to some statements he's made. 

There's an adage that states; "the truth will set you free, but 1st, it will piss you off", and we believe that is exactly what we're witnessing in this situation. While we do not condone the manner in which he's delivered some of his messages, nor do we agree with all of them, the reality is that he mostly speaks the truth. Furthermore, we believe that one of these truths is the primary reason Andrew Tate was banned. Andrew Tate has been making waves online for some time with no recourse. however, following his appearance on a podcast where he stated; "racism, feminism, sexism, etc., are all tools used by the wealthiest, most influential people in the world to keep us bickering amongst each other, so that we remain ignorant to the fact that they are fucking us all" he got banned. I don't know about you but I don't believe it was just a mere coincidence that immediately after his banning, every single media outlet, which is controlled by these influential people, started labeling him a public enemy. Keep thinking for yourself, peace & love!

Jerry Jones

So We’re Just Gonna Move On From Jerry Jones

The Jerry Jones story was a story that lasted for way less time than everyone thought it would. Well, not everyone, I thought it would last exactly the timespan that it did. When you have money, it gives you power, and that power allows you to make unflattering stories about yourself magically vanish. For people who don't know, a photo emerged about a week ago showing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones in a crowd of white men blocking a few black students from entering a school several decades ago. Immediately after the photo release, prominent public figures like ESPN's Jay Williams and LeBron James made statements that were seemingly quickly forgotten. In particular, Jay stated, "I would like Jerry Jones to publicly renounce racism". Since then, I've heard radio silence from Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys organization.

When the Kyrie Irving situation was occurring, the major sticking point was, " the Jewish community wants Kyrie to denounce anti-Semitism and apologize". For weeks, those words were regurgitated so much, they became nauseating. When situations like this happen, there's usually an uproar. Where's the nauseating coverage of the Jerry Jones situation? There isn't any. That being said, the black community also hasn't made much fuss about it so we can't just blame the media. As a community, we have to start taking responsibility for ourselves before others can. One thing's for sure though, having money can make most of your problems go away. Peace & love people!

Britney Griner

America Getting Britney Griner Released Encompasses Everything Wrong With This Country

Over the past few weeks, there's been a coordinated media frenzy celebrating the U.S. government exchanging a notorious Russian prisoner for a WNBA player named Britney Griner. As many have pointed out, what's more uniquely baffling about this situation is, as we speak, there are thousands if not millions of inmates in penitentiaries all over America serving time for marijuana charges. Furthermore, none of the so-called "compassionate" elected officials have lifted a fucking finger to release them. I wonder why; could it be because the country profits from having more inmates, could it be because the "war on drugs" never ended, or could it be that they just don't give a fuck and they just got Griner out of prison as a publicity stunt? We don't know. But as Ms. Tomi Lauren stated on her channel, "It must pay to be a whiney celebrity".

There is another aspect of this situation that was brought to the forefront. Russia has had an American man imprisoned for several years. He's been imprisoned because they say he's a spy. Assuming that's true, does it make logical sense for the U.S. to negotiate Griner's release over his? I think that's one of the stupidest moves that could've been made. An argument could be made that, if you could get both released, you should've let them stay. The message this sends the rest of the world is that America cares more about celebrities than patriots. Furthermore, it sends soldiers and potential soldiers that same message, which could lead to concerns for national security.

Over the past few years, the degeneration of America has been precipitous. The country has been divided on issues that are ridiculously unfathomable. If the country continues down this path, God help us all. It's been real. Peace!


Kanye & Kyrie Are Examples Of What Happens When Blacks Step Out Of “Line”

By now, we've seen all the public ostracization of both Kanye and Kyrie, 2 successful black men who, undoubtedly with their flaws, are symbolic figures of the black community. What has transpired over the past few weeks has been a reminder that no matter how successful we get, we will never be free. The 13th amendment abolishes slavery, or so it says, however, my brothers and sisters, do you feel free? Do you feel liberated, like you're free to truly pursue happiness? Neither do I.

Our most populated sports leagues are owned & operated by people who don't look like us. Our most famous entertainment outlets (B.E.T etc.), are owned & operated by people who don't look like us. Our art & fashion are owned by people who don't look like us. Our communities look like 3rd world countries, our brothers make up the incarcerated majority, and our children are the most uneducated in the world. There's clearly going to be a purging of the workforce. Venture a guess as to what community will be impacted the most by the upcoming layoffs/firing. Yet, for some reason, we continue to put our time and resources into these things that have proven to not be beneficial to us as a people.

If it isn't apparent already, I want to state this for the record. I don't believe that you need to tear down one group to build up another. With that being said, this is not an anti-semitic/anti-white message, this is a pro-black message. To solve our problems, we need one another, but what has been happening to Kanye and Kyrie reminds black people of the "make an example out of him" trope from this nation's period of slavery. Again, this is not to be indifferent to the suffering of the Jewish community; the holocaust was a real and tragic event, and it's not to be minimized, but once Kanye and Kyrie apologized; you don't have to accept them, but you also don't have to ruin their lives either. Peace!


No One Gives A Fuck About Your Pronouns

Over recent years, free speech has been at the center of the culture war. Telling people what they have to say has become a hallmark of certain communities. These people believe they have the latitude to tell others how we must address them but fail to understand that; no one has to address them at all. The fact that these people are being manipulated and remain ignorant of it is alarming. Moral virtue is one of the most easily manipulatable ideals in modern civilization. As long as people think they're "being kind", they won't process the potentially underlying implications of their actions. It makes my blood boil thinking about just how far this has gone in our society.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, no one cares

No One Ever Looks At History

"Most bad ideas start off as good ones". Addressing people how they want to be addressed seems benign and compassionate on the surface, however, when you start telling people what they have to say, how they have to think and then directing animosity towards them for not acting the way you want them to; you've crossed the fucking line. Tyranny comes in many forms and what I've just described is one form of it. If someone doesn't address you how you want to be addressed, guess what, you don't have to respond to them. As a matter of fact, no one has to interact at all, it is completely within everyone's free will.


That being said, I don't think that these people should be ostracized from society or made to feel lesser than. I just believe that no one (myself included) should have the right to impose their views or insecurities on other people while attempting to claim some moral high ground in the process. Thanks for reading guys, farewell!