
Politics in America has devolved into choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. You already know we’re gonna dive right in!

Protests Outside Israeli consulate (DNC)

Protests Erupt Outside the Israeli Consulate: A Tense Encounter During DNC Week


men women apart

Men Are Going Conservative, Women Are Going Liberal, Why?

Politics, the realm of governance, ideology, and public discourse, has been an arena where men and women exhibit divergent viewpoints. This post delves into the multifaceted factors that contribute to the typical differences in political orientations between genders. Drawing upon a comprehensive analysis of historical, psychological, and biological factors, we aim to understand the complexities of this phenomenon.

Throughout history, societies have often relegated each gender to distinct roles and responsibilities, shaping their worldviews. Traditional gender norms have influenced the development of political ideologies, with men often associated with leadership, defense, and assertiveness, while women have been linked to nurturing, community building, and social welfare. These historical roles have contributed to differences in political perspectives.

Psychologists have explored personality traits and cognitive differences between genders, which may contribute to political disparities. Research indicates that men and women can exhibit varying degrees of risk-taking, empathy, and preference for hierarchy. These differences may manifest in their inclinations towards certain political ideologies, with men often leaning towards conservative or libertarian views and women towards liberal or social democratic perspectives.

Emerging studies suggest that certain biological factors could play a role in political differences between men and women. Hormonal differences, particularly testosterone and estrogen, are believed to influence behaviors related to aggression, risk-taking, and empathy, which can indirectly affect political attitudes.

Cognitive processes can also shape political beliefs. Men and women may have different cognitive styles, such as problem-solving approaches and decision-making strategies, which can lead to distinct political leanings. While men may prioritize analytical reasoning and individualistic solutions, women may emphasize collaboration and collective problem-solving.

It's crucial to note that these differences are not absolute, and there is significant overlap between the genders in politicals. Numerous men hold progressive views, and many women align with conservative ideologies. Individual experiences, education, and exposure to diverse perspectives also influence political orientations, transcending gender stereotypes.

Understanding the complexities of political gender differences can lead us towards greater empathy and cooperation. Emphasizing shared values and common goals can bridge the political divide and foster a sense of unity, irrespective of gender.

The typical differences in political orientations between the genders are a result of a dynamic interplay between historical, social, psychological, and biological factors. While gender can influence political perspectives, it is essential to recognize individuality and the potential for overlap in beliefs.

Stalin vs Hitler

Why Does Hitler Get It Worse Than Stalin

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two of the most brutal dictators in all of human history. Of the two, Hitler is by far the more recognizable name despite the fact that Stalin is responsible for 3-4 times the amount of genocide as Hitler, why? Could it be that the lives of those murdered by Hitler are considered more valuable than those taken by Stalin? Could it be that the U.S. wanted to erase all memory that it had dealings with Stalin prior to the cold war. Furthermore, it's even more perplexing that we never hear much of anything about Mao Zedong. He was responsible for more genocide than Hitler and Stalin combined so he deserves his own separate post.

Stalin & Hitler

History Between America & Stalin

Evil and selfishness are hallmarks of the human species. Although Kanye West has fallen from grace, he said something profound in his interview with Lex Fridman. He said, "history is written by the winners", he couldn't have been more spot on. With the exception of the Vietnam war, America has been the winner in all major global conflicts. As a result, America has been able to curate history favorably for itself. Also, Americans like to portray themselves as the world's moral compass (which couldn't be more hypocritical). The fact of the matter is, America and the Stalin led Soviet Union fought side by side during WWII and that must never be forgotten.

Since America likes to be perceived as virtuous, lets examine that. The Gulag in the soviet union was a forced labor system that was instituted during the reign of Joseph Stalin. Its was essentially a system of slavery that he justified using the communist ideology. The estimated 30 million deaths under Stalin came as a manifestation of the Gulag. Knowing all this information, the U.S. didn't hesitate to enter the war with him as an ally. This was a classic case of the U.S. abandoning morals for convenience which seems to happen often for a country that holds itself in such high esteem. I'll probably talk more about this another day, but for now, peace!


The Government Is Not Coming To Save You

First and foremost, the government has a history of failing to address the needs and concerns of marginalized communities. From the Jim Crow laws to the War on Drugs, legislative policies have often perpetuated injustices rather than rectifying them. As such, waiting for the government to come to your rescue is akin to waiting for a fox to guard the henhouse.

I have witnessed firsthand the struggles and injustices that average Americans face on a daily basis. From racism to economic inequality, the issues that plague our society require urgent action and change. Unfortunately, waiting for the government to come to your rescue is a bad idea, and here's why.

Secondly, the government is beholden to corporate interests and the wealthy elite, not the average American. The lobbyists and big-money donors who fund political campaigns have a significant influence on policy, often at the expense of the working class and marginalized communities. Waiting for the government to come to your rescue means waiting for corporations to prioritize your needs over their bottom line.

Government Corruption

Thirdly, the government operates within a broken and corrupt system that values power and profit over people. This system perpetuates inequality, fosters division, and undermines democracy. Waiting for the government to come to your rescue is tantamount to expecting change from a system that is fundamentally flawed.

Lastly, waiting for the government to come to your rescue absolves individuals of their responsibility to effect change. As citizens, we have a duty to hold our elected officials accountable, demand change, and work towards creating a more just and equitable society. Waiting for them to act is a passive approach that undermines our power as citizens and leaves the fate of our society in the hands of a select few.

In conclusion, waiting for the government to come to your rescue is a bad idea for average Americans. The government has a history of failing marginalized communities, is beholden to corporate interests, operates within a broken and corrupt system, and absolves individuals of their responsibility to effect change. Instead, we must take a proactive approach, demand accountability, and work towards creating a more just and equitable society. As I once said, "We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary."


The Redline Being Extended Isn’t A Good Thing

The Redline is the longest-running public transit route in the city of Chicago. It's been an integral part of many memories for many people, from all walks of life. In recent years, that train line has become home to many of the city's disenfranchised homeless population.

Mark Twain once famously remarked, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." This statement holds true even today, especially when it comes to the issue of gentrification and urban development. The Redline extension project in Chicago is a prime example of how history may be repeating itself, and how gentrification is likely to run rampant as a result.

Redline Project

The Redline extension project is an ambitious plan to expand Chicago's public transit system, specifically the Red Line, which currently runs from the city's South Side to its North Side. The extension would run the Red Line further south, connecting the city's downtown core to the far South Side. On the surface, this seems like a positive development: improved transit infrastructure can bring more opportunities and accessibility to underserved communities.

However, the reality is often more complicated than what appears on the surface. Historically, urban development projects like the Redline extension have been used as tools for gentrification. New transit infrastructure causes property values to increase, which displaces long-time residents due to increased cost of living and property taxes. This process disproportionately affects low-income communities, people of color, and other marginalized groups.

History Of Gentrification in Chicago

Chicago has a long history of gentrification, dating back to the 1950s when the city's government implemented the infamous "slum clearance" program. This program was designed to eliminate poverty and improve housing conditions but displaced thousands of low-income families instead. In the years since, Chicago has continued to undergo waves of gentrification, with neighborhoods like Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, and Logan Square transforming from working-class enclaves into trendy, upscale destinations.

Given this history, it's reasonable to be concerned that the Redline extension project will lead to further gentrification in the city. Already, there are signs that this may be happening: property values near the planned route of the extension have already started to rise, and there are reports of landlords evicting tenants in anticipation of these increases.

In conclusion, Mark Twain's words about history rhyming may be particularly relevant when it comes to the Redline extension project in Chicago. While the project may have positive effects on the city's transit system, there are valid concerns that it will also contribute to the gentrification of historically marginalized communities. As the city moves forward with this project, it's important to be mindful of these concerns and to work towards equitable development that benefits all Chicagoans, not just those with the means to afford higher property values.


Lori Lightfoot’s Reign Of Terror Is Finally Over

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, Lori Lightfoot's reign finally ended! Truth be told, finding out she'd lost gave me a delight eerily reminiscent of when Joffrey died in Game Of Thrones. Watching her give a concession speech after that was just the icing on the cake. Now, I'm sure the mindless shills will say some poorly thought-out version of "you just don't support black women". Not true, I don't support bad leaders who seemingly have no fucking clue how to lead. The fact of the matter is, under Lightfoot's watch, Chicago became one of the most crime-infested cities in America. All the while, rents have skyrocketed with no end in sight leading to the homeless population increasing by the minute.

Chicago Under Lori

Although I'm an immigrant, I've spent most of my life in Chicago and I've grown to call it home. Growing up in Chicago, there have always been pockets of crime, mostly on the south and westside's and even smaller pockets on the Northside. However, today, I can say undoubtedly that I've never seen the city in this bad of shape. In 2019, Lightfoot's campaign ran on cleaning up the city and people ate that shit up. Then, for four years, we watched the complete opposite happen. Actually, now that I think about it, she did manage to make "Boystown" a more central neighborhood in the city.

That said, I lost all hope in the political system a long time ago so I don't think we should be excited in any way about the next person to fill that role, they'll probably be as corrupt as all politicians are. Whoever they are, I just hope they understand that hundreds of murders every weekend isn't good for anyone. I want to take this opportunity to wish Lori Lightfoot the best in her future endeavors. I hope she finds a better career in something other than politics but with the way politics works, she might end up the president before the end of the decade. Peace!


Woke SJW’s Should Have Their Own Country

For a time, being "woke" was a badge of honor in society. It meant that you saw/acknowledged the implicit injustices and prejudices prevalent in the world. It didn't necessarily mean you were trying to do anything about them but it did mean you acknowledged their existence. Over time, the term has morphed into something more insidious. When you hear the term "woke" now, you immediately think of a person who's ideologically driven to the point of madness. They're typically very passionate about their cause and view themselves as the worlds leading moral arbiters. Furthermore, they believe this pseudo-morality gives them the latitude to appalling ideas and rhetoric that have no logical foundation. What's worse, is that these people seem to be multiplying as the year's progress.

Who The Woke Are

These people tend typically have the same characteristics as well. They are progressive leaning, activist types that champion LGBT movements, which aren't inherently corrosive things. However, once you see how these people attempt to apply their ideology practically, you get a sense of why they're so insufferable. The American political system was founded upon the principle of respectful discourse; its the basis of the 1st amendment. Furthermore, the 1st amendment provides latitude for the best, most sound ideas to manifest themselves. Over the past years, it has become clear that this principle is under siege. The "Woke mob" as they've become commonly known as, do not engage in respectful discourse, and they don't want to. Any discourse with one of these people typically degenerates rapidly primarily because most of their ideas have no logical foundation to support them.

Why They Should Have Their Own Society

That said, I think the "woke" should have their own country apart from the rest of us. I think they should have their own society and be granted land that's capable of sustaining their basic needs (food, shelter, etc.). Then, we should bid them farewell and good fortune as they navigate the intricacies of developing a new functional nation. I say this because some of their points do have an ethical basis. For example, they should feel like they can express themselves free of judgement, and they should be able to call each other what ever pronoun they choose on what ever day they feel like choosing it. However, the rest of us should not have to participate in the practice of their ideology either.

To that end, I think it'd be relatively easy to get them their own country because they make up a small percentage of our overall societal population even though they seem to be the loudest on social platforms. I also think their ideas and practices would be so stupid that their society would collapse into chaos within a decade, so we'd just be able to reclaim the land once they've destroyed themselves. We'd just have to redevelop once they've had their way with it. Peace!

Emmett Till film

Why Did “Till” Come Out Right Before Elections

"Till" is a prime example of how the media can manipulate society. A coincidence is defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. Whether you believe it or not, everything you see in the media is manipulated in some way, shape, or form by someone(s) for their own ends. Movies and release dates are no exception. Movies like "Till", are made to elicit an emotional reaction from a certain demographic (black people).

For those of you who don't know the story of Emmett Till, you should be ashamed of yourselves, get off social media and fucking google it. That being said, "Till" was released on October 14th, 2022, less than 1 month away from the midterm elections. The film received massive coverage for 2-3 weeks before and after its release. Then suddenly, right before the midterm elections, a week or so before elections, the coverage started to fade away. Was that coincidental? It could've been. But we don't think so. We think the seed had already been planted in the minds of the largely black audience of voters who that film was clearly targeted towards.


Is Big Pharma Behind LGBT

We're all aware that the government and major pharmaceutical companies have a corrupt relationship. The FDA in particular has had several of its high-ranking officials transition into high-paying positions at some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. So, let's paint a bit of a picture, one letter at a time. Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015, we've seen a mainstream shift seemingly overnight toward massive advocation of the LGBT community. So let's speculate for a second.

L-Lesbian: Women are more prone to depression, therefore they'll be on more antidepressants than ever before which means more money in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.

G-Gay: Gay men are disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS, what have we been seeing a ton of lately; "I use *blank* for PREP" advertisements which no doubt will put more money in pharmaceutical companies' pockets.

B-Bisexual: The best of both L & G.

T-Transgender: Transgender individuals undergo a long process which depending on the age of transition includes: puberty blockers and hormone replacement medications which put even more money in their pockets.

Lastly, many will ask, "what about the QIA". My response is, those extra letters were added as a mask for the real motives.