Everyday Life

Everyday life is dedicated to the random occurrences and platitudes that make up our lives.


Stop Making New Years Resolutions

Economic divide

Extreme Poverty Threatens Societal & Economic Stability

Preventing Social Unrest

Strengthening Social Cohesion

Reducing Crime Rates

Promoting Economic Resilience

Enhancing Public Health

Supporting Social Safety Nets

Fostering Long-Term Stability and Growth

Building Trust in Institutions


Money is the medium by which all goods and services are rendered in the modern world. Over the course of the past few years, that medium has become far more scarce to most people. Furthermore, the forecast is that the scarcity is only going to increase in the next few years. Typically, this means that a lot of people are about to lose their jobs. What happens when people lose their jobs is that they stop being law abiding citizens. Sure, some of them will continue to follow the law, but most will revert to primal impulses of survival.

There are many things that become increasingly apparent with terrible situations like the one we're in. The 1st, is that the system is very volatile which leads to unpredictability. The second and more important, is that a reality sets in that money really deters violence which is an underlying determinant of society. When fewer and fewer people have it readily available, the emergence of violence paints a more accurate portrayal of the world than most people have experienced. Then, the chaos that ensues displays just how meaningless money is when shit really hits the fan. Peace!



The Truth Is What People Have a Problem With

Dear Apple, Please Bring Back The Studio 2’s

Dear Apple, Please Bring Back The Studio 2’s

Apple is one of the largest conglomerates in the world. They have a strangle hold on the cellular manufacturing industry and have a great many other electronic products that dominate the market. Music is one of the greatest aspects of living in this world. I haven't met a human alive who is fond of it. So, when apple acquired "Beats By Dre" in 2014, I was very skeptical. Full disclosure, everyone knows large corporations are bad, but we believe Apple to be by far, the worst. We believe Apple does a great marketing inferior products that are engineered for obsolescence. That being said, when Apple acquired Beats, I was not happy. However, when they released the 1st few versions of the Beats studio headphones, I can't lie, I was impressed. The sound quality, and not to mention, the bass made them the hottest headphones on the market.

Memories Of Beats Before Apple

The original Beats Studio's were good, but the Studio 2's were immaculate. I still remember the 1st day I brought home my gloss white studio 2's. I had gotten them on sale for black Friday, I remember I couldn't afford to pay full price for them so I'd saved up all year for that one night, got to best buy thanksgiving night and got the last white pair. It was straight out of a fucking holiday story. I went straight home, unwrapped the plastic and didn't even bother to read the instructions. I plugged the aux cable into my headphones, watched the lights come on then plugged it in to my phone, turned the volume up all the way, then spent the next 4 hours laying in my bed listening to my entire playlist with no care for the outside world. That memory, I will cherish always.


I say all that to say this, the Studio 3's do not make me feel that same rush. After my Studio 2's broke, I bought them a few years ago expecting an upgrade and I was woefully disappointed. The signature bass I had come to expect from the headphones weren't there, and the overall experience made me feel like I had bought a product that trying to be something it wasn't. As a loyal "Beats" customer, I do not want you to change the foundational principles of why I loved the product, I just want you to improve on what was already there, and these didn't do that. With that being said, "I beg and I plead, but today I am still just a bill". But seriously, please re-release the Studio 2's, my perception of music is just not the same without them. Peace!


Why I Stopped Tipping And You Should Too

Tipping has become a major topic of discussion this week and rightfully so. We're currently in a recession the likes of which many people haven't seen in their lifetimes. The idea that there's a social expectation that everyone pay extra to subsidize the wages of underpaid employees is asinine. The real issue is that their employers pay them shit and the concept of tipping is just a deflection from that reality. I stopped tipping partly because I started thinking about it this way and it bothered the fuck out of me. I'm also cheap as fuck, so it works out in my favor for that reason as well.

Tipping Should Be Unnecessary

Now, lets talk about the greedy business owners that think they can put the onus on customers to compensate their employees. I personally have worked in the bar/restaurant industry and I was probably never more unhappy in my life. You haven't truly felt like a slave until you've worked in that industry. People will literally talk down to you, make messes that you have to clean up with a smile on your face, and on top of that, you don't get paid well for it. I say that to highlight that I empathize with those workers. However, I also empathize with the paying customer. Customers shouldn't be expected to pay for overpriced food and beverages, then also be expected to pay extra.

Some of these places charge 13$ for a single craft beer; that's the same price as a 6 pack at a liquor store. Now you're probably saying, "If you can't afford it, then don't go out", my response: shut the fuck up. I like girls and girls like to go out and not pay for shit. But, if I'm paying 13 bucks for one drink, sorry bartender, I probably won't be tipping you. Maybe, you should ask your boss where all that expensive drink money's going! Peace!

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Why Did Bezos Finally Decide To Sign The Giving Pledge

Jeff Bezos is to most people, one of the most evil people in the world. He founded and still operates one of the most evil companies in the world. For years, the giving oath, which is a virtue signaling act that the billionaire class takes in the eyes of the public. The fact of the matter is that, these billionaires don't give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves. The pledge states that each member vows to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic ventures. This pledge is bullshit. For example, the pledge was founded by William Gates & Warren Buffett who have both pledged their wealth. However, typically when you donate money, the idea is that you donate it to a cause or organization that implements those funds on your behalf. With Buffett and Gates, they've been donating their wealth for years to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Ask yourself, who sits on the board of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Bill/Melinda Gates & Warren Buffett. So effectively, they've been giving their money to themselves for years.


The Bezos situation is even worse. For years, Bezos has rejected even signing that giving pledge for whatever reason he'd say publicly. But we all knew it was because Bezos didn't give a shit. To be fair, I don't necessarily think he has to give a shit. I think in order to achieve the levels of success they have, it requires a certain level dedication that results in massive loneliness. Furthermore, I think once they get to that level and the fake people start to migrate towards them, they should be fucking pissed. In that regard, I completely understand, I just have a problem with people being disingenuous.

Now, we all know there's an incoming recession. I imagine, as all bad things that happen in society, the people of the lower class will feel it the worst. I think people like Bezos are aware that when situations like this occur, those people who feel the repercussions of a failing economy will naturally turn their rage towards the wealthy. Also, I think it'll be particularly easier for people to turn that rage towards the ultra wealthy. Bezos is a smart man, this move is just a calculated move to garner favor publicly. He can say all the nonsense about finally feeling comfortable enough to give away his wealth, but its bullshit. We need to start thinking more clearly as a society and stop being played like pawns by these people. Peace!

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Its Not A Problem Until It Happens To You

Everyone in the world is dealing with their own form of problem. Over the past few decades, as human beings, we have lost empathy for the fellow man. The shift has clearly come as a manifestation of social media becoming the primary medium of social interaction. It's essentially taken the emotion out of the world and we're seeing its implications in real time. A few weeks ago, I saw someone I knew asking for help. They were struggling and their mother was about to be evicted from her home. Their post was essentially a plea for help, she'd started a "GoFundMe" to help raise money for her mother.

I Didn't Know Until I Had A Problem

The truth is, I saw the post, looked at it for maybe 4 seconds and never thought about it again. I say that to say this, even though I wasn't in the position to help in any way, the idea that I could see another human suffering and feel nothing, is completely egregious. That was a completely horrible human reaction to have for someone going through a tough situation. I also say that because, not too long after that, I was/still am in a tough spot. However, for some reason I thought I could reach out for help and someone would be there. So, although I'd been so indifferent to another person situation, I was somehow expecting my case to be different. But, that's not how the world works, and I was being stupid for even thinking it did.

Although on some level I knew this already, I came to a profound realization that day. Most people (myself included) only give a fuck about bad situations that directly involve them. That is the harsh reality of the world we live in, and it's only been exacerbated by the presence of social media. Our society is spiraling downward fast and there seems to be no hope in sight. I'm not gonna say "start caring more about each other" because most of you would just keep going about your lives. I will say this, visualize yourself in bad situations and think about whether you have people there and whether you're there for other people. Peace!

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Capitalism: Good & Evil

Capitalism, socialism, communism, and fascism are the four economic systems that dominate civilization. Throughout history, humanity has witnessed the rise and fall of empires utilizing each economic system with the exception of capitalism. From Mussolini's rein in Fascist Italy to Mao's rein in communist China, and of course the Socialists in the Soviet Union. One after another these empires rose to power and one after the other, they fell miserably. With recent events, one has to wonder if we're officially witnessing the long awaited long-awaitedfall of capitalism. With that presupposition, it's only fair that we document the triumphs and failures of this system.

The United States has been heralded as the greatest empire ever created, with capitalism at its center. At its core, capitalism is centered around competition and the freedom of the market to innovate and create. However, like all the previous economic systems, it has one fatal flaw: people. Systems themselves are not inherently corrupt, it's the human beings that operate within those systems that allow them to devolve. In fact, people are simultaneously the most significant assets and flaws of the capitalist system. To think, capitalism gave us virtually every technological marvel we hold dear today. The Internet, computers, phones, cars, airplanes, and trains, are just a few of the unpredictable creations the capitalist system has brought us.

On the other hand, capitalism to this day has been the root cause of pain that's unimaginable to most people. For example, most people have no idea that all their technology is powered by cobalt-lined batteries gathered from the slavery of Congolese people. Not to mention the tumultuous history that this country has had with slavery and while slavery is not just unique to capitalism, it has supported the system in becoming what we know it as today. Peace!

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The Lucky Sperm Club

The lucky sperm club is a club that many of us are not apart of despite being very familiar with. Typically, they are entitled beneficiaries of the wealth and work derived from the competence of prior generations. It's widespread knowledge that most of the wealth in this world is acquired as a consequence of inheritance. For most people in this world, the "game" is over before they/we ever even get to play. Directly speaking, the lucky sperm club refers to people born to wealth. That said, I fully respect wealth that's earned through hard work and perseverance. However, wealth that's just passed down through generations is bad for society in various ways.

Lucky Sperm Club Entitlement

For one, it creates entitled, out of touch people. Secondly, it concentrates most of the wealth in the hands of the few which perpetuates inequality, and lastly, it disincentivizes people on both ends of the spectrum to self-improve. Firstly, lets talk about how it creates entitled, out of touch people. When you grow up with everything handed to you on a silver platter, it's easy to take things for granted. You become out of touch with real life because you don't know what it's like to struggle or to go without. You don't understand the value of hard work or the importance of empathy. Therefore, consequently, your worldview is warped into believing you're entitled to certain outcomes, which aren't the case.

Secondly, the presence of the lucky sperm club tends to perpetuate inequality because the wealth and capital that used to be in circulation, stops being in circulation because they spend just enough to sustain themselves, which results in less people being able to build wealth for themselves and their families. That said, its important to point out that none of us chooses our parents. So, its just inherent that members of the lucky sperm club are just that, lucky.

Lastly, the lucky sperm club disincentivizes human growth on both ends of the spectrum. This happens because, the lucky sperm kids have everything handed to them so they never have to develop the skills necessary to work, take Paris Hilton for example, I don't even know why she's famous other than the fact that she's heir to the Hilton hospitality business. Adversely, the people at the bottom view their efforts as futile because they won't ever achieve that level of wealth.


In conclusion, the lucky sperm club are a scourge to society. They're incredibly self-centered people whose worldview is predicated on whatever bubble of people they're surrounded by. Often times, they lack self awareness skills, they never develop into self sustaining adults, and they extract wealth from the actual hardworking people. Peace!

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Without God, Society Crumbles



The Redline Being Extended Isn’t A Good Thing

The Redline is the longest-running public transit route in the city of Chicago. It's been an integral part of many memories for many people, from all walks of life. In recent years, that train line has become home to many of the city's disenfranchised homeless population.

Mark Twain once famously remarked, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." This statement holds true even today, especially when it comes to the issue of gentrification and urban development. The Redline extension project in Chicago is a prime example of how history may be repeating itself, and how gentrification is likely to run rampant as a result.

Redline Project

The Redline extension project is an ambitious plan to expand Chicago's public transit system, specifically the Red Line, which currently runs from the city's South Side to its North Side. The extension would run the Red Line further south, connecting the city's downtown core to the far South Side. On the surface, this seems like a positive development: improved transit infrastructure can bring more opportunities and accessibility to underserved communities.

However, the reality is often more complicated than what appears on the surface. Historically, urban development projects like the Redline extension have been used as tools for gentrification. New transit infrastructure causes property values to increase, which displaces long-time residents due to increased cost of living and property taxes. This process disproportionately affects low-income communities, people of color, and other marginalized groups.

History Of Gentrification in Chicago

Chicago has a long history of gentrification, dating back to the 1950s when the city's government implemented the infamous "slum clearance" program. This program was designed to eliminate poverty and improve housing conditions but displaced thousands of low-income families instead. In the years since, Chicago has continued to undergo waves of gentrification, with neighborhoods like Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, and Logan Square transforming from working-class enclaves into trendy, upscale destinations.

Given this history, it's reasonable to be concerned that the Redline extension project will lead to further gentrification in the city. Already, there are signs that this may be happening: property values near the planned route of the extension have already started to rise, and there are reports of landlords evicting tenants in anticipation of these increases.

In conclusion, Mark Twain's words about history rhyming may be particularly relevant when it comes to the Redline extension project in Chicago. While the project may have positive effects on the city's transit system, there are valid concerns that it will also contribute to the gentrification of historically marginalized communities. As the city moves forward with this project, it's important to be mindful of these concerns and to work towards equitable development that benefits all Chicagoans, not just those with the means to afford higher property values.


Some People Are Dangerously Stupid

Being dangerously stupid has become an overwhelmingly abundant occurrence since the advent of social media and technology as a whole. Furthermore, with the world continually trending toward technological dependence, the reality is that this trend is only going to exacerbate. That fact of the matter is, we're living in a society in which the average person is more knowledgeable about the life of their favorite celebrity than they are about the laws of nature. That said, if you find yourself engaging in unintellectual conversations with unintellectual people, you must find ways to remove yourself from those situations expeditiously.

At the heart of any thriving society is the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of knowledge. When stupidity prevails, discourse suffers a severe blow. Ideas become shallow, reasoning becomes fallacious, and meaningful conversations become elusive. This erosion of intellectual depth diminishes our ability to address complex challenges, stifling innovation, progress, and critical problem-solving. By devaluing intellectual pursuits, we undermine the very foundation of an enlightened society.

The Stupid Spread like Wildfire

Stupidity breeds ignorance, and ignorance, in turn, breeds misguided decision-making. When individuals lack the capacity to think critically and assess information objectively, they become vulnerable to manipulation, propaganda, and misinformation. Such a state of intellectual negligence paves the way for ill-informed choices, whether in personal matters or within the broader political landscape. In a democracy, where collective decision-making shapes the future, the consequences of widespread stupidity can be catastrophic.

Stupidity thrives in echo chambers, where people surround themselves with like-minded individuals who reinforce their existing beliefs without challenging them. In this environment, confirmation bias becomes the norm, and critical analysis takes a backseat. As a result, society becomes divided into factions, each driven by its own irrational convictions and biases. The dangerous consequences of tribalism and polarization are witnessed in the erosion of empathy, understanding, and the breakdown of civil discourse, which ultimately hampers societal progress.

Other Implications of Stupidity

Intellectual negligence and stupidity often go hand in hand with a lack of personal responsibility. When individuals fail to engage in critical thinking, they absolve themselves of the obligation to seek knowledge, question assumptions, and make informed decisions. This abdication of responsibility allows ignorance and mediocrity to flourish, leading to a society that is devoid of accountability and personal growth. Ultimately, the erosion of personal responsibility hinders societal advancement and perpetuates a cycle of stagnation.

In a world that demands intellectual acuity, the dangers of being stupid cannot be overlooked. Jordan Peterson, a voice of reason and intellectual rigor, reminds us of the perils that arise when we neglect the pursuit of knowledge and embrace ignorance. The diminished discourse, misinformed decision-making, propagation of tribalism, and erosion of personal responsibility are all ramifications of intellectual negligence that endanger the very fabric of our society. It is imperative that we reject complacency and strive for intellectual growth, embracing critical thinking as the cornerstone of progress. Only through a collective commitment to intellectual rigor can we navigate the complex challenges that lie ahead and build a more enlightened and prosperous future.



Pornography Is A Danger To Society

Carl Jung once noted, "The healthy man does not torture others – generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers." These words hold profound relevance when examining the impact of pornography on our society. Today, we will explore the hidden dangers that pornography presents and the potential harm it inflicts upon individuals and the fabric of our community. By delving into the insights of Carl Jung, we will shed light on the consequences of unchecked pornography consumption.

Distorted Perceptions of Intimacy and Relationships

Pornography often portrays a distorted version of intimacy and relationships, presenting unrealistic expectations and depictions of sexual encounters. These exaggerated portrayals can lead individuals to develop skewed perceptions of what constitutes a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship. As a result, real-life connections may suffer, as people struggle to distinguish between fantasy and reality. The erosion of genuine intimacy can strain relationships and contribute to emotional disconnection, impacting both individuals and society as a whole.

Objectification and Dehumanization

Pornography frequently objectifies and dehumanizes individuals, reducing them to mere instruments of pleasure. This objectification perpetuates harmful power dynamics, reinforcing gender stereotypes and inequality. It can contribute to the normalization of sexual exploitation, feeding into a culture where consent and respect are overshadowed by a quest for instant gratification. The dehumanization propagated by pornography erodes empathy, fostering a toxic environment that undermines the dignity and well-being of individuals.

Psychological and Emotional Consequences

Consuming pornography can have profound psychological and emotional consequences. Frequent exposure to explicit sexual content can lead to addiction, desensitization, and an increased tolerance for more extreme material. This can escalate into a vicious cycle, where individuals require increasingly explicit content to achieve the same level of arousal. Therefore, potentially leading to the objectification of individuals in real life. Moreover, excessive pornography consumption can contribute to feelings of shame, guilt, and diminished self-worth, exacerbating mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Social and Cultural Ramifications

Pornography's influence extends beyond the individual, permeating social and cultural norms. Its widespread availability and accessibility can shape societal attitudes and expectations regarding sexuality, relationships, and consent. The proliferation of pornography can contribute to the objectification and sexualization of individuals, particularly women, perpetuating harmful narratives and reinforcing oppressive power structures. This not only impacts the well-being of individuals but also hampers efforts to create a society built on equality, respect, and mutual understanding.


In the spirit of Jung's wisdom, we must confront the dangers that pornography poses to our society. Its distorted perceptions of intimacy and relationships, objectification and dehumanization, psychological and emotional consequences, and social ramifications are all factors that demand our attention. By acknowledging the profound impact of pornography, we can work towards promoting healthier attitudes towards sexuality, fostering genuine connections, and cultivating a culture of consent, respect, and empathy. Only through open dialogue, education, and a collective commitment to change can we reclaim our humanity and forge a society that embraces authentic intimacy and mutual well-being.



Lori Lightfoot’s Reign Of Terror Is Finally Over

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, Lori Lightfoot's reign finally ended! Truth be told, finding out she'd lost gave me a delight eerily reminiscent of when Joffrey died in Game Of Thrones. Watching her give a concession speech after that was just the icing on the cake. Now, I'm sure the mindless shills will say some poorly thought-out version of "you just don't support black women". Not true, I don't support bad leaders who seemingly have no fucking clue how to lead. The fact of the matter is, under Lightfoot's watch, Chicago became one of the most crime-infested cities in America. All the while, rents have skyrocketed with no end in sight leading to the homeless population increasing by the minute.

Chicago Under Lori

Although I'm an immigrant, I've spent most of my life in Chicago and I've grown to call it home. Growing up in Chicago, there have always been pockets of crime, mostly on the south and westside's and even smaller pockets on the Northside. However, today, I can say undoubtedly that I've never seen the city in this bad of shape. In 2019, Lightfoot's campaign ran on cleaning up the city and people ate that shit up. Then, for four years, we watched the complete opposite happen. Actually, now that I think about it, she did manage to make "Boystown" a more central neighborhood in the city.

That said, I lost all hope in the political system a long time ago so I don't think we should be excited in any way about the next person to fill that role, they'll probably be as corrupt as all politicians are. Whoever they are, I just hope they understand that hundreds of murders every weekend isn't good for anyone. I want to take this opportunity to wish Lori Lightfoot the best in her future endeavors. I hope she finds a better career in something other than politics but with the way politics works, she might end up the president before the end of the decade. Peace!

You Pretend To Like Your Co-workers Everyday

You Pretend To Like Your Co-workers Everyday

Pretending to like your co-workers has become a survival mechanism for any 21st-century job. Throughout my adult life, I've worked at several places in vastly different sectors and there's one constant, fake people. At every job I've ever had, I've always slowly become known as one of the more disliked people. Some of it was my fault and that can't be denied. However, the majority of it came from the realization of others that I'm not the type to pretend I like people that I don't. I'm the kind of person that's perfectly fine coming to work, doing my job, and going the fuck home. I don't need you to make "small talk" or any of that nonsense. I'm good with only interacting when strictly necessary.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not blatantly rude to my co-workers and I don't condone rude behavior. However, its become clear that people have a nasty habit of conflating lack of interactions with having bad interactions. It's simply appalling to imagine that people truly believe they have the right dislike someone for not interacting with them the way they want you to. In my opinion, there's no more narcissistic element to our society than that.

Lastly, most people work shitty jobs for shitty pay and have nothing to be cheery about. If you're a happy-go-lucky person at work knowing that reality; good for you. On the hand, I choose not to be a professional ass kisser, particularly when I'm not compensated even moderately for it. Furthermore, if you're the kind of person that thinks other people have to interact with you the way you want them to; you're what's wrong with the world. The reality is, your co-workers are not your friends. If they could afford to never work again, you'd never see them again. Peace!

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Peaceful Protest Is Bullsh*t

Peaceful protest is nonsense that has been propagated by elites/mainstream media to keep average people complacent. Quite frankly, it's bullshit. I want you to think about all the times that innocent people have been taken advantage of throughout history. The Great Depression and Slavery are the 1st things that come to mind for me. Now, take whatever instance came to mind for you, and tell me what prompted it to get resolved. I bet you it wasn't done through loud chanting and verbal stances. It was aggression, force, and violence.

Peaceful Protest Fail At Amazon

Just a few years ago, we saw it first hand with amazon. For years, amazon employees had been working under shit conditions for shit pay. They'd complained to their bosses, requested raises, tried to unionize and advocate for better working conditions but been foiled at every turn. Then, as with everything, it hit a breaking point. The workers decided to start striking and not working which Bezos still didn't necessarily care about. But, then they occupied the blocks of some of his mansions, they even set up a guillotine in front of one of them and guess what, they still didn't get the minimum wage increase they wanted. However, if they'd actually started recking his mansions and breaking shit, they would've probably made some progress to towards their goal.

One of the best philosophers of our time, Jordan Peterson rightfully says, " the threat of violence keeps interactions between men civil". He's completely right because men largely know what its like to be punched in the mouth. However, I would amend that statement slightly by saying, "the threat of violence keeps situations among people civil. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not openly advocating for violence against anyone. However, in that situation, clearly Bezos understood that the protesters outside his homes posed no real threat to him. Now, he would've probably taken them more seriously and actually increased their wages had they actually done something to force his hand. Well, that's it for today. Peace!


Woke SJW’s Should Have Their Own Country

For a time, being "woke" was a badge of honor in society. It meant that you saw/acknowledged the implicit injustices and prejudices prevalent in the world. It didn't necessarily mean you were trying to do anything about them but it did mean you acknowledged their existence. Over time, the term has morphed into something more insidious. When you hear the term "woke" now, you immediately think of a person who's ideologically driven to the point of madness. They're typically very passionate about their cause and view themselves as the worlds leading moral arbiters. Furthermore, they believe this pseudo-morality gives them the latitude to appalling ideas and rhetoric that have no logical foundation. What's worse, is that these people seem to be multiplying as the year's progress.

Who The Woke Are

These people tend typically have the same characteristics as well. They are progressive leaning, activist types that champion LGBT movements, which aren't inherently corrosive things. However, once you see how these people attempt to apply their ideology practically, you get a sense of why they're so insufferable. The American political system was founded upon the principle of respectful discourse; its the basis of the 1st amendment. Furthermore, the 1st amendment provides latitude for the best, most sound ideas to manifest themselves. Over the past years, it has become clear that this principle is under siege. The "Woke mob" as they've become commonly known as, do not engage in respectful discourse, and they don't want to. Any discourse with one of these people typically degenerates rapidly primarily because most of their ideas have no logical foundation to support them.

Why They Should Have Their Own Society

That said, I think the "woke" should have their own country apart from the rest of us. I think they should have their own society and be granted land that's capable of sustaining their basic needs (food, shelter, etc.). Then, we should bid them farewell and good fortune as they navigate the intricacies of developing a new functional nation. I say this because some of their points do have an ethical basis. For example, they should feel like they can express themselves free of judgement, and they should be able to call each other what ever pronoun they choose on what ever day they feel like choosing it. However, the rest of us should not have to participate in the practice of their ideology either.

To that end, I think it'd be relatively easy to get them their own country because they make up a small percentage of our overall societal population even though they seem to be the loudest on social platforms. I also think their ideas and practices would be so stupid that their society would collapse into chaos within a decade, so we'd just be able to reclaim the land once they've destroyed themselves. We'd just have to redevelop once they've had their way with it. Peace!

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People Who Write Bad Reviews

If you're the kind of person who writes shitty reviews for fast food places, you have serious issues. For you to take the time out of your day, to go out of your way to write any review, let alone a shitty one, tells a lot about you. It says you're vindictive and that you don't have shit better to do with your time. What's worse is the expectation that most people that work in the places you frequent are happy all the time. I'm gonna burst some bubbles here; they aren't. Typically, they work for a shitty company, get paid a shitty wage, and have to deal with shitty people often. So, next time you walk into one of these places, keep that in mind and check your privilege at the door.

Writings Reviews Is Petty

The only thing you should be expecting from any of these people is that they provide you the goods/services you requested. Now I'm not saying you should accept disrespect from anyone. If an employee is going out of their way to disrespect you, by all means, get offended. But, to think these people have to be uppity just because you walk in is delusional and narcissistic. Furthermore, when you come at someone with negative energy, you should expect the same energy to be reciprocated.


"I had bad customer service"; shut the fuck up. The term "customer service" in itself is just a blanket term people use when they want their asses kissed. The truth is, you want people to kiss your ass and make you feel special and when they don't, you get upset. But guess what, you're not special. I'm not special. As a matter of fact, there are very few people in this world that are truly special. The very fact that you're the kind of person that leaves shitty reviews proves it. Grow the fuck up and keep your animosity to yourself. Peace!


The Worst Kind Of Racism

Racism is woven into the fabric of this America. But, what isn't talked about enough is the forms it manifests in. There's interpersonal racism, systemic racism, and intrapersonal racism. Now, there are probably many more, but I don't feel like looking them up and delving into all of them today. I'm not delving into all the ones I've mentioned either. Today is strictly to talk about the racism that hits me the most profoundly, intrapersonal. I don't even know if it's a real term, but that's what I'm calling it. Intrapersonal racism, like all racism, affects black people the most. It is the racial prejudice that's shown by black people to black people. I have both perpetrated it and been on the receiving end of it several times.

Past Racism Experiences

For example, I've seen people that look like me walking around late at night (at a time I probably shouldn't be out either) and had a visceral defensiveness to the fact that another black man was in my vicinity. However, I noticed a white guy walk past me one day at around the same time and I didn't have that same reaction. Why did I feel less threatened by this person who for all I knew, could have had way worse intentions. I've seen my father assume a driver that cut him off on the freeway is black simply because they had tinted windows. I say that to say this, this runs very fucking deep.

The worst way I've seen this racism manifest, is in the people we choose to support. Most black people would rather support someone of another ethnicity in any endeavor than support another black person. To me, this is the most egregious of them all because, I see the racism from ethnic groups coming a mile away. But, when people who look like me and share my experiences also don't want me to succeed, its hits different. It's like a gut punch of the highest magnitude. That being said, we need to do better. I take responsibility for my role in it, but I'm only one person, it has to be all of us. We've been at the bottom for too fucking long, and this is a primary reason. Peace & love!

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Music Isn’t Music Anymore

Music is a transcendent, centripetal force. It binds the human race across generations of time. Music is a record of history that symbolizes the creativity and intellect of its era. The 60s gave us disco, the 70s gave us rap and punk rock, the 80s/90s gave us great hip hop and the 2000s gave us pop. Throughout these eras, we've seen an evolution of the greatest compositional genres of human history. The 2010s gave us mumble rap, a genre defined by lyrics so bad that no one can understand them. Throughout my lifetime, I watched music devolve into degenerate garbage and its permeating into broader society.

Mumble Rap Music

Mumble rap tends to glorify drugs, violence and really just stupidity. As I mentioned earlier, music is a manifestation of the intellect and creativity of society during its era. Therefore, what does "mumble rap" say about our era? It certainly doesn't say we're creative or intelligent. As a matter of fact, I would argue that it displays the exact opposite. If you think I'm lying, I'd ask you to find 10 widespread mainstream hits from the last decade that you can understand the words and promotes positive productive depictions of society. It's almost as if there's been a rapid "Benjamin Buttoning" of music since the middle of the previous decade. Its actually gotten do bad that people have just began looking towards music from other parts of the world which isn't necessarily a bad thing but, is clearly an indictment on the music in their own country.

I love music. It has helped me through some of the toughest times off my life. However, I don't see how the garbage that's been polluting or soundwaves can possibly be having the same impact on other people that it had on me. As a matter of fact, I think some the increases in suicide, assault, battery, and a host of other crimes are directly correlated with the degradation of musical proficiency we've seen over the years. America needs transcendent music, particularly through the tough times. Please bring it back. Peace!

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Inflation Is Rising But Nobodies Gotten A Raise

Inflation has almost become a buzzword over the past few years or so. In particular, over the past year, the cost of living has increased dramatically. Companies across the board have been raising their prices succinctly. However, these companies haven't done a damn thing to help their employees account for the price increases they all know are happening because of inflation. What's more insidious is the stupid employee surveys that companies circulate. The surveys ask questions like "what can we do to make the workplace more enjoyable?". You can't imagine how patronizingly stupid a question this is. Employees since the beginning time have been asking for more money, the idea that anything else will make them happy is just wishful thinking. Peace!

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Fast Food Spots Have Been Smelling Horrible Recently

Fast food came back into my life because I've been more broke over the few weeks than I've been otherwise at any other point in my life. A trend that tends to occur when people (like myself) start to have less income is, we start looking for cheaper alternatives, or we start committing crimes. Since I'm a law-abiding citizen, I've started to do the former. Although, I've started noticing that grocery shopping is still cheaper than eating out, that's a post for another day. For the few weeks I was eating out, I noticed that there's been an awful smell inside/around fast food places. During my 2 week bender at fast food places, I noticed that the food was a lot worse than I remember it being.

Now, we don't claim to be experts on food by any stretch of the imagination. However, we do know that the quality of food is heavily predicated on how its made. We all know that something ominous is going on in the world. Although we can't put our fingers on it exactly, we know its bad, and its negatively impacting the world. World supplies are running scarce and its affecting we the everyday people disproportionately more than it will the wealthy. This is one of those ways. Furthermore, when supplies like oil start becoming scarce, they become more expensive. When they become more expensive, companies, particularly the fast food companies, begin cutting corners. They begin doing things like re-using oil to keep stabilize their profit margins, which dilutes the quality of their product, but they don't really give a shit as long the money keeps rolling in.

The only issue with that approach is that we the people are not stupid. Although they may think we are. More and more people will begin noticing what I have and eventually stop spending their money at these places. When that happens, they'll either stop cutting corners (but it'll be too late) or start shutting down locations, which will suck for the employees working there, but they never gave a shit about them anyways. Either way people, start going grocery shopping again and leave fast food alone for a while. Peace!

Jump from year 2022 to 2023

2022 Was Bad For Most Of Us & 2023 Will Be More Of The Same

A New year brings with it many new years resolutions, most of which, will be broken within the 1st week. Also, it brings a sense of optimism that the new year will be better than the previous one. While that is plausible for some, for the vast majority of us, this upcoming year is going to be hell. Throughout 2022, most of us saw our hope and dreams eradicate. Some of us saw our homes lost, others saw our jobs lost, and some saw a combination of both simultaneously.

2022 Was Dark For Most People

People like Patrick Bet David(whom I have admiration for) try to sell you "the future looks bright" hats. The issue is that they conflate their own futures' brightness with everyday peoples' futures. The truth is, the future looks grim and dark for most of us. In 2022, I graduated my last year of undergrad, haven't found a job since. In 2022, we watched the price of everyday goods and services skyrocket to unprecedented levels. Most of us were already struggling to afford them. Right before the year ended, we saw companies start announcing a RIF(reduction in force). Some let go of as much as 60% of overall employees. Furthermore, the mass firings are only projected to continue in 2023.

We even had people like Jeff Bezos, who's notorious for not giving a shit about society, cautioning people to save their money because we're "about to enter some dark times". The funniest part of that being the words "about to". Most of us have been living in dark times for a while. At the very least since 2020. You mean to me that things are about to get even worse than they already are? I mean, what's next, is the sky literally gonna start falling? Actually, that wouldn't shock me too much with the amount of natural disasters that have been occurring lately. That said people, I don't mean to be the pessimist, but, "reality is often disappointing". Many people would rather just feed a false one, and I think that's doing you a disservice. Stay safe and stay well, peace!

Jerry Jones

So We’re Just Gonna Move On From Jerry Jones

The Jerry Jones story was a story that lasted for way less time than everyone thought it would. Well, not everyone, I thought it would last exactly the timespan that it did. When you have money, it gives you power, and that power allows you to make unflattering stories about yourself magically vanish. For people who don't know, a photo emerged about a week ago showing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones in a crowd of white men blocking a few black students from entering a school several decades ago. Immediately after the photo release, prominent public figures like ESPN's Jay Williams and LeBron James made statements that were seemingly quickly forgotten. In particular, Jay stated, "I would like Jerry Jones to publicly renounce racism". Since then, I've heard radio silence from Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys organization.

When the Kyrie Irving situation was occurring, the major sticking point was, " the Jewish community wants Kyrie to denounce anti-Semitism and apologize". For weeks, those words were regurgitated so much, they became nauseating. When situations like this happen, there's usually an uproar. Where's the nauseating coverage of the Jerry Jones situation? There isn't any. That being said, the black community also hasn't made much fuss about it so we can't just blame the media. As a community, we have to start taking responsibility for ourselves before others can. One thing's for sure though, having money can make most of your problems go away. Peace & love people!


When Did Haircuts Get So Damn Expensive!

To give you some context, I'm in my mid-20s. Over the past 10-14 years or so, I've witnessed the price of everything (haircuts included) increase astronomically (inflation). Many of those things rightfully increase in price because there is a finite amount of them. However, with services like "secondary grooming" (haircuts), there's an arbitrary aspect to how they're rendered that has to be examined. As mentioned earlier, inflation is primarily predicated on scarcity. However, getting a haircut is not a finite resource in that same way. It's just a service in which most providers make up their prices.

Some may say, "well the barbers have to pay for their chairs at the shop which then has to rent its commercial space". But, when I was 15, a haircut was 10$, when I turned 21, a haircut had become 20$ which I thought was ridiculous, but now, the last barber I went to tried to charge me 50$. That was the moment I had to draw the line. I can understand why female cosmetics can cost those amounts; when women get their hair styled, it typically is sustained for at least 2 months. However, when men get haircuts, it typically doesn't last more than 2 weeks, if that. Furthermore, people that remember what the more reasonable prices were will have the same reaction I had. Couple that with the fact that barbers are suddenly driving luxury cars and living lavish lifestyles; while customers are being squeezed for profit.