
Dating in the social media age has become a hot topic for many people as the landscape has changed forever!


Nick Cannon’s Sex life Is Nobodies Business

Hey, what's up everybody? It's your boy Betterdayz, and I want to talk to y'all about something that's been bugging me lately: people getting all up in Nick Cannon's love life. Look, I get it, the man's famous, he's successful, he's got a lot of eyes on him. But that doesn't mean we should be all up in his business like that.

First off, let's talk about some real shit here: Nick Cannon is a grown-ass man. He's got his own life, thoughts, and feelings. He doesn't need anybody else to tell him what to do or who to love. He's got his own agency, and we need to respect that. Furthermore, he's wealthy enough to provide for all his kids while there are plenty of deadbeats out there who have plenty of kids and can't afford to finance shit.

Now, I know some of y'all might be saying, "Well, he's a celebrity, he signed up for this kind of attention." But let me ask you something: just because someone's famous, does that mean we have the right to invade their personal lives? Hell no. Just because someone's in the public eye doesn't mean they don't deserve privacy and respect.

And let's be real, y'all. The only reason we care so much about Nick Cannon's love life is because it's gossip. It's drama. It's entertainment. But here's the thing: we don't need to be entertained by someone else's personal life. We don't need to be sticking our noses in somebody else's business just for the sake of being nosy.

So let's cut Nick Cannon some slack, huh? Let's give the man some space to live his life. Let's focus on what really matters, like spreading love and positivity in our own lives. And hey, if you really want some juicy gossip, how about you go read a book or something? Trust me, there's plenty of drama and scandal in those things.

In conclusion, Nick Cannon's love life is no one's business but his own. Let's give the man the respect and privacy he deserves. And let's focus on living our own lives, rather than getting caught up in somebody else's drama. Peace out, y'all.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Epidemic

The Brazilian Butt Lift Epidemic


Rapists & False Accusers Should Get The Death Penalty

Rapists and false accusers are topics that have been making headlines recently. The problem is, the penalties for these offenses are not equal, and that's a serious issue. Let's break it down. Truth be told, rapists are the scum of the earth. Personally, I don't think they should be allowed to go to prison and continue to live. Conversely, I also think that those people who falsely accuse people of rape should also meet the same fate.

First of all, sexual assault is a heinous crime that should be punished severely. There's no question about it. The problem is, the penalties for sexual assault vary wildly depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the offense. In some cases, perpetrators get off with a slap on the wrist, while in other cases, they are punished severely. That's not justice, that's a role of the dice.

Rapists vs False Accusations

Now, let's talk about false accusations. This is a tricky one because false accusations of sexual assault do happen. It's not something we like to talk about, but it's true. The problem is, the penalties for false accusations are often much less severe than the penalties for sexual assault. That's a big problem. If someone makes a false accusation, they are potentially ruining someone's life, and that should not be taken lightly.

The problem is, the justice system is set up in a way that makes it very difficult to punish false accusers. Although it's just as difficult to prove that the accused has actually committed a crime, it's also not easy to prove that someone made a false accusation, however, many false accusers get off scot-free while the accused get labeled as rapists. That's not justice, that's a failure of the justice system.

So, what's the solution? Well, it's not an easy one. We need to find a way to make the penalties for sexual assault and false accusations more equal. We need to make it clear that making a false accusation is just as bad as committing sexual assault. That's not an easy thing to do, but it's something we need to work towards.

In conclusion, the discrepancies between the penalties for sexual assault and false accusations are a serious issue that needs to be addressed. We need to find a way to make the penalties more equal and make it clear that false accusations are not something that should be taken lightly. It's not an easy problem to solve, but it's something we need to work towards if we want to create a more just and fair society.


Woke SJW’s Should Have Their Own Country

For a time, being "woke" was a badge of honor in society. It meant that you saw/acknowledged the implicit injustices and prejudices prevalent in the world. It didn't necessarily mean you were trying to do anything about them but it did mean you acknowledged their existence. Over time, the term has morphed into something more insidious. When you hear the term "woke" now, you immediately think of a person who's ideologically driven to the point of madness. They're typically very passionate about their cause and view themselves as the worlds leading moral arbiters. Furthermore, they believe this pseudo-morality gives them the latitude to appalling ideas and rhetoric that have no logical foundation. What's worse, is that these people seem to be multiplying as the year's progress.

Who The Woke Are

These people tend typically have the same characteristics as well. They are progressive leaning, activist types that champion LGBT movements, which aren't inherently corrosive things. However, once you see how these people attempt to apply their ideology practically, you get a sense of why they're so insufferable. The American political system was founded upon the principle of respectful discourse; its the basis of the 1st amendment. Furthermore, the 1st amendment provides latitude for the best, most sound ideas to manifest themselves. Over the past years, it has become clear that this principle is under siege. The "Woke mob" as they've become commonly known as, do not engage in respectful discourse, and they don't want to. Any discourse with one of these people typically degenerates rapidly primarily because most of their ideas have no logical foundation to support them.

Why They Should Have Their Own Society

That said, I think the "woke" should have their own country apart from the rest of us. I think they should have their own society and be granted land that's capable of sustaining their basic needs (food, shelter, etc.). Then, we should bid them farewell and good fortune as they navigate the intricacies of developing a new functional nation. I say this because some of their points do have an ethical basis. For example, they should feel like they can express themselves free of judgement, and they should be able to call each other what ever pronoun they choose on what ever day they feel like choosing it. However, the rest of us should not have to participate in the practice of their ideology either.

To that end, I think it'd be relatively easy to get them their own country because they make up a small percentage of our overall societal population even though they seem to be the loudest on social platforms. I also think their ideas and practices would be so stupid that their society would collapse into chaos within a decade, so we'd just be able to reclaim the land once they've destroyed themselves. We'd just have to redevelop once they've had their way with it. Peace!

Lonely Women Get Spiteful Around Valentines Day

Lonely Women Get Spiteful Around Valentines Day

For most people, Valentines day is a day to celebrate love. I think it's a day that was manufactured for businesses to make money off of female emotions. But, that's a story for another day. Almost every single year of my adult life, I've noticed a disturbing trend around this time of year. Women, typically college educated, get a little more irritable than usual. They're set off by things that seem benign by nature and that anger gets exponentially larger the closer Valentine's day gets. I've realized that these women are lonely and angry as a manifestation of that.

Valentines Day Impact

Women are much more socially influenced than men are, its just a fact. So, I can imagine that watching your friends go on dates and receive flowers and chocolates while you're not getting so much as a text can be very upsetting to these women. You work hard, have a good job, and deserve love. Actually, you don't deserve shit. No one cares about how hard you work, and you don't deserve anything you don't earn in this world. So save yourself the pity party and start learning how to make yourself more attractive so you don't have spend Valentine's days buying yourself chocolate and crying on the couch. That brings me to my last point; Galentines.


Galentine's for those who don't know was a marketing spin on Valentines day to include all the lonely bitches out there. Its one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Women who don't have any meaningful intimate relationships are being told its ok that they have no one, which is obviously a lie because it make them unhappy. Then again, I see the genius behind the idea. Monetizing the insecurity of lonely women can be profitable, particularly if they're too naïve to realize it. So, while I don't think it's an ethical way to make money, I understand business isn't always ethical.

That said, speaking to women(people) directly, "your loneliness is not anyone else's problem. You're not entitled to act like a cunt because you don't have a significant other". Become a better version of your, so next year when this time comes, you'll have someone to celebrate it with. Peace!

man, little fat, running-7604140.jpg

The Unholy Trinity: Short, Fat & Broke

If you're short, fat, and broke, why should women want you? Now we speak critically about women a lot on this site, so it's only fair to keep the same energy for men too. Some of us guys are out here being just as delusional as women are. I've been broke for a good portion of my life and still am now. I can't be out here thinking I'm gonna attract top-shelf, bad bitches man. I'd be delusional to think that way, and some of you truly believe that you deserve bad bitches. Now, this doesn't mean you won't get lucky and think don't sometimes happen, but you cant start expecting that.

That said, if you want those top shelf, bad bitches, focus on what you can control. You can't control that you're short. However, you can get fit, and you can get your money up. If you're not willing to do that work to acquire the things those girls want, don't complain when they don't want you. First off, I'm assuming most people have been alive for quite some time so you should know that complaining isn't going solve any of your problems. In order to get the outcomes you want in life, you must work for them, anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. To reiterate, fellas, you cannot be short, fat, and broke, you can be one of them, but not all three. Thanks for reading. Peace!

Pearl Davis

Shoutout To Sane Women

Kendra G.
Pearl Davis


The "manosphere" on YouTube has come under fire in recent years, and rightfully so in some instances. Some of the members of that community claim to have the answers to all of men's issues, which they don't. However, many unwarranted criticisms of that community have surfaced in backlash to their content. One of those criticisms is that they are misogynists (woman haters). However, those accusations are largely made to discredit some of the axiomatic elements of their content. However, recently there has been an emergence of female content creators that have taken up the fight. From the Melanie King's, Jedediah Bila's, of the world to the Kendra G's and Pearl Davis' of the world; there are now several female content creators that are doing the lord's work.

In one of Jordan Peterson's earlier interviews/debates, he makes a profound delineation about the communication styles of men and women. He states, "we as men know how to handle uncivilized conversations with each other because there are clear lines. However, when conversations with women become uncivil, the actions (violence) that we take toward other men are forbidden by society. Therefore it is sane women that have to come forward to combat this social contagion", and he was completely correct. The issue with the "manosphere"/"red pill" is that most of them are men and it's easy for women to discredit them by calling them misogynists. However, when other women start to come forward and regurgitate those same points, women can't just dismiss them.

With that being said, on behalf of all men, I want to personally thank all of these brave women. Historically speaking, confrontation is not women's nature, so seeing you confront these issues head-on, amazes me. We see and appreciate you. Keep fighting the good fight.

fat girl eating burger

Men Don’t Think Fat Girls Are Attractive

I've been hearing recently that the "beauty standards" have changed. Let me be very clear, the beauty standards have not changed! There are just far more fat people in America now than ever before which understandably has led companies to consider their bottom line. Furthermore, because women make up the majority of fat people, and the economy is largely driven by female consumerism, any competent business owner would decide to cater their marketing toward the market's driving forces. That being said, companies marketing to cater to fat women has not changed the male perspectives on beauty, it just pushed those perspectives beneath the surface. 

The reality is, men in mass will never find fat women attractive, that's why YouTube has seen the emergence of the "Manosphere". No amount of marketing(programming) is going to change men's innate nature. Furthermore, accountability is a word that often gets overlooked, to achieve the results in life that you aspire for, you must take accountability for your actions/decisions, if you are fat; your decisions/actions made you fat, take accountability for yourself and take the necessary steps to address it. Lastly, this was not a hit piece on women, I love people (women in particular) and I hope to see strong relationships form once again, but the notion that men should accept you as you are; especially if you're fat, is asinine, particularly because you don't accept them as they are. Peace & Love!