Booty Shorts Will Save The WNBA



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The WNBA is a league that is in dire need of a makeover. Since the induction of the WNBA, the league has struggled to gain notoriety and turn a profit. About a year or so ago, the WNBA raised about $75 million to “take their league to the next level”. I just hope some of that 75 million is actually going to put toward schemes that will actually work, like getting booty shorts. Now, the immediate reaction this will get is, “you’re a misogynist” or “you just want to objectify women”. However, lets take our feelings out of this for a minute, booty shorts are the only way the WNBA is going to start making any real profit.

The existence of the NBA and male sports in general is the primary barrier to profitability in all female sports. Men are typically bigger, stronger, and faster than their female counterparts. Furthermore, people tune into sports to watch the best athletes in the world do what they do best. Since this reality isn’t changing any time soon and men are the objectively superior athletes, leagues like the WNBA have to utilize other avenues to boost their revenue.

Nature had made it so that men are more gifted athletically while women are more gifted aesthetically. . Furthermore, the reasons people will watch women and men engage in certain activities (sports) are different. Sports like Basketball and Soccer(Futbol) are just a few glaring examples of this reality. People tune in to watch the men do athletically spectacular things. People are not/will not tune in to watch women do the exact same thing men do because the men already have that aspect covered. Therefore, what the WNBA, I believe has known but dreaded they’d have to do is find a way to highlight the aesthetic aspects that they have the advantage in over men. Therefore, booty shorts are the first step to making that happen.

Lastly, just like sci-fi movies, men are the market for sports as a whole. Like it or not, men do not want to turn on the television to a channel or pay money for tickets to see women trying to emulate men in a sport. Men want to see attractive girls on the television screen. Its why things like “only fans” have become such lucrative businesses. Now I know a good portion of the WNBA is lesbian. Therefore, doing anything to please men may not sit well with you. But, women aren’t fans of sports, and if they aren’t supporting you, then that only leaves men as your market. Do you want to make more money or not? Its basic supply and demand. Furthermore, if you decide you don’t, just stop fucking complaining about your outcomes because people are really tired of hearing it. Peace & love!

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