
social media, social, keyboard-4140959.jpg

We’re More Connected & Disconnected Than Ever

Social media has connected us in an unprecedented way. Suddenly, the physical distance that previously regulated our interactions has been made obsolete, which is a tremendous innovation. I mean, I can talk to my father who's in Nigeria from my Chicago apartment with little to no effort. I am thankful to the Mark Zuckerberg's and Jack Dorsey's of the world for creating and maintaining such revolutionary inventions. However, these inventions are not all upside. There are major downsides to this technological revolution that I don't think we quite know the implications of just yet. If you have the time, "the Social Dilemma" on Netflix is an intriguing documentary that everyone should watch. It outlines some of these deficiencies thoroughly from the perspectives of some of the very people who developed these applications.

How Disconnected And Connected We Are

Today, I'm only going to talk about one of the major deficiencies I've noticed in my time on social media. During my time on these social media networks, I've noticed that they've had a paradoxical effect on me as well as others around me. The very thing they are designed to do is connect us. But, recently I've been feeling more disconnected from the world than ever before and I think it's a manifestation of this tech. I find myself staring at my phone screen far more than I ever thought possible. I've been doing it so often that I've been missing out on some the innate beauty that's prevalent in my city. I find that I often times notice random pieces of architecture on streets that I walk on everyday, I notice less beautiful girls than I once did, and it feels like it's only accelerating.

Lastly, these devices we've become addicted to have made us completely forget how intersexual dynamics work. Men and women nowadays are living in our own bubbles, with very few of us venturing out of them. What's happened as a consequence, is that men and women have forgotten the fundamentals of the opposite sex. Men have started acting feminine, while women have started acting masculine. Therefore, dating has suffered catastrophically. We really need to so something to fix this issue because the survival of our country/species depends on it. Again, this is just on of the ways technology has connected and divided us, hopefully we'll be able to go into more depth in the future. Peace!

french fries, fast food, mcdonald's-1851143.jpg

Fast Food Spots Have Been Smelling Horrible Recently

Fast food came back into my life because I've been more broke over the few weeks than I've been otherwise at any other point in my life. A trend that tends to occur when people (like myself) start to have less income is, we start looking for cheaper alternatives, or we start committing crimes. Since I'm a law-abiding citizen, I've started to do the former. Although, I've started noticing that grocery shopping is still cheaper than eating out, that's a post for another day. For the few weeks I was eating out, I noticed that there's been an awful smell inside/around fast food places. During my 2 week bender at fast food places, I noticed that the food was a lot worse than I remember it being.

Now, we don't claim to be experts on food by any stretch of the imagination. However, we do know that the quality of food is heavily predicated on how its made. We all know that something ominous is going on in the world. Although we can't put our fingers on it exactly, we know its bad, and its negatively impacting the world. World supplies are running scarce and its affecting we the everyday people disproportionately more than it will the wealthy. This is one of those ways. Furthermore, when supplies like oil start becoming scarce, they become more expensive. When they become more expensive, companies, particularly the fast food companies, begin cutting corners. They begin doing things like re-using oil to keep stabilize their profit margins, which dilutes the quality of their product, but they don't really give a shit as long the money keeps rolling in.

The only issue with that approach is that we the people are not stupid. Although they may think we are. More and more people will begin noticing what I have and eventually stop spending their money at these places. When that happens, they'll either stop cutting corners (but it'll be too late) or start shutting down locations, which will suck for the employees working there, but they never gave a shit about them anyways. Either way people, start going grocery shopping again and leave fast food alone for a while. Peace!

Kevin Samuels

Was Kevin Samuels Murdered

Kevin Samuels was known to many as the "Godfather" of what has come to be known as the "Manosphere". While he was still alive, Kevin Samuels ran one of the largest up-and-coming YouTube channels in the world; focused on giving people advice, primarily on dating. As many can imagine, like anything successful, Kevin's channel drew an obscene amount of criticism, primarily from people who have an objection to objective reality. That being said, here's why we believe the details surrounding Kevin Samuels' death situation were peculiar. To lay the groundwork, here are a few facts: Women are the driving force of businesses (economies), billionaires are well connected, billionaires benefit from women driving business more than anyone else, and Kevin ran a podcast that angered women.

Details On Kevin's Death

On May 5th, 2022 Kevin was pronounced dead 3 days before mothers day when he had a "heart attack" next to a woman who was a nurse. According to reports, the woman he was with (a nurse), had to wait for the paramedics to arrive so they could administer CPR. On May 12th, 2022 Kevin was featured on an episode of the mainstream show "Atlanta", exactly 7 days after he died. Here's our theory, one(or more) of the well-connected individuals in the world got word that Kevin's influence was about to enter the mainstream of culture with an appearance on this show, and they concluded that this was a potential disruptor to the bottom line of their business/es and made the decision to eliminate that disruption. Also, they figured that they'd do it at a time when it would be celebrated by naïve people with no desire to analyze the situation with any degree of skepticism. That being said, this was just a theory we had based on some facts that seem very peculiarly coincidental and we don't know if any of this is true. It just seems rather odd to blindly believe this was all coincidence. Well, thanks for reading, peace & love!

Andrew 3

Why Andrew Tate Really Got Banned

Andrew Tate is one of the most polarizing public figures in society. He's been labeled a "misogynist, human trafficker, etc.", but the truth is, anyone with a functional brain who's taken the time to seek out his long-format content and formulate their own opinion of him, knows none of that is true. Unfortunately, independent thought has been engineered out of most people in society and they just seem to believe whatever they're told to; with little to no skepticism. From what we've dug up, the outrage that seems to be aimed at Andrew Tate is an emotional response to some statements he's made. 

There's an adage that states; "the truth will set you free, but 1st, it will piss you off", and we believe that is exactly what we're witnessing in this situation. While we do not condone the manner in which he's delivered some of his messages, nor do we agree with all of them, the reality is that he mostly speaks the truth. Furthermore, we believe that one of these truths is the primary reason Andrew Tate was banned. Andrew Tate has been making waves online for some time with no recourse. however, following his appearance on a podcast where he stated; "racism, feminism, sexism, etc., are all tools used by the wealthiest, most influential people in the world to keep us bickering amongst each other, so that we remain ignorant to the fact that they are fucking us all" he got banned. I don't know about you but I don't believe it was just a mere coincidence that immediately after his banning, every single media outlet, which is controlled by these influential people, started labeling him a public enemy. Keep thinking for yourself, peace & love!

Jump from year 2022 to 2023

2022 Was Bad For Most Of Us & 2023 Will Be More Of The Same

A New year brings with it many new years resolutions, most of which, will be broken within the 1st week. Also, it brings a sense of optimism that the new year will be better than the previous one. While that is plausible for some, for the vast majority of us, this upcoming year is going to be hell. Throughout 2022, most of us saw our hope and dreams eradicate. Some of us saw our homes lost, others saw our jobs lost, and some saw a combination of both simultaneously.

2022 Was Dark For Most People

People like Patrick Bet David(whom I have admiration for) try to sell you "the future looks bright" hats. The issue is that they conflate their own futures' brightness with everyday peoples' futures. The truth is, the future looks grim and dark for most of us. In 2022, I graduated my last year of undergrad, haven't found a job since. In 2022, we watched the price of everyday goods and services skyrocket to unprecedented levels. Most of us were already struggling to afford them. Right before the year ended, we saw companies start announcing a RIF(reduction in force). Some let go of as much as 60% of overall employees. Furthermore, the mass firings are only projected to continue in 2023.

We even had people like Jeff Bezos, who's notorious for not giving a shit about society, cautioning people to save their money because we're "about to enter some dark times". The funniest part of that being the words "about to". Most of us have been living in dark times for a while. At the very least since 2020. You mean to me that things are about to get even worse than they already are? I mean, what's next, is the sky literally gonna start falling? Actually, that wouldn't shock me too much with the amount of natural disasters that have been occurring lately. That said people, I don't mean to be the pessimist, but, "reality is often disappointing". Many people would rather just feed a false one, and I think that's doing you a disservice. Stay safe and stay well, peace!

Jerry Jones

So We’re Just Gonna Move On From Jerry Jones

The Jerry Jones story was a story that lasted for way less time than everyone thought it would. Well, not everyone, I thought it would last exactly the timespan that it did. When you have money, it gives you power, and that power allows you to make unflattering stories about yourself magically vanish. For people who don't know, a photo emerged about a week ago showing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones in a crowd of white men blocking a few black students from entering a school several decades ago. Immediately after the photo release, prominent public figures like ESPN's Jay Williams and LeBron James made statements that were seemingly quickly forgotten. In particular, Jay stated, "I would like Jerry Jones to publicly renounce racism". Since then, I've heard radio silence from Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys organization.

When the Kyrie Irving situation was occurring, the major sticking point was, " the Jewish community wants Kyrie to denounce anti-Semitism and apologize". For weeks, those words were regurgitated so much, they became nauseating. When situations like this happen, there's usually an uproar. Where's the nauseating coverage of the Jerry Jones situation? There isn't any. That being said, the black community also hasn't made much fuss about it so we can't just blame the media. As a community, we have to start taking responsibility for ourselves before others can. One thing's for sure though, having money can make most of your problems go away. Peace & love people!

Emmett Till film

Why Did “Till” Come Out Right Before Elections

"Till" is a prime example of how the media can manipulate society. A coincidence is defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. Whether you believe it or not, everything you see in the media is manipulated in some way, shape, or form by someone(s) for their own ends. Movies and release dates are no exception. Movies like "Till", are made to elicit an emotional reaction from a certain demographic (black people).

For those of you who don't know the story of Emmett Till, you should be ashamed of yourselves, get off social media and fucking google it. That being said, "Till" was released on October 14th, 2022, less than 1 month away from the midterm elections. The film received massive coverage for 2-3 weeks before and after its release. Then suddenly, right before the midterm elections, a week or so before elections, the coverage started to fade away. Was that coincidental? It could've been. But we don't think so. We think the seed had already been planted in the minds of the largely black audience of voters who that film was clearly targeted towards.

Britney Griner

America Getting Britney Griner Released Encompasses Everything Wrong With This Country

Over the past few weeks, there's been a coordinated media frenzy celebrating the U.S. government exchanging a notorious Russian prisoner for a WNBA player named Britney Griner. As many have pointed out, what's more uniquely baffling about this situation is, as we speak, there are thousands if not millions of inmates in penitentiaries all over America serving time for marijuana charges. Furthermore, none of the so-called "compassionate" elected officials have lifted a fucking finger to release them. I wonder why; could it be because the country profits from having more inmates, could it be because the "war on drugs" never ended, or could it be that they just don't give a fuck and they just got Griner out of prison as a publicity stunt? We don't know. But as Ms. Tomi Lauren stated on her channel, "It must pay to be a whiney celebrity".

There is another aspect of this situation that was brought to the forefront. Russia has had an American man imprisoned for several years. He's been imprisoned because they say he's a spy. Assuming that's true, does it make logical sense for the U.S. to negotiate Griner's release over his? I think that's one of the stupidest moves that could've been made. An argument could be made that, if you could get both released, you should've let them stay. The message this sends the rest of the world is that America cares more about celebrities than patriots. Furthermore, it sends soldiers and potential soldiers that same message, which could lead to concerns for national security.

Over the past few years, the degeneration of America has been precipitous. The country has been divided on issues that are ridiculously unfathomable. If the country continues down this path, God help us all. It's been real. Peace!


When Did Haircuts Get So Damn Expensive!

To give you some context, I'm in my mid-20s. Over the past 10-14 years or so, I've witnessed the price of everything (haircuts included) increase astronomically (inflation). Many of those things rightfully increase in price because there is a finite amount of them. However, with services like "secondary grooming" (haircuts), there's an arbitrary aspect to how they're rendered that has to be examined. As mentioned earlier, inflation is primarily predicated on scarcity. However, getting a haircut is not a finite resource in that same way. It's just a service in which most providers make up their prices.

Some may say, "well the barbers have to pay for their chairs at the shop which then has to rent its commercial space". But, when I was 15, a haircut was 10$, when I turned 21, a haircut had become 20$ which I thought was ridiculous, but now, the last barber I went to tried to charge me 50$. That was the moment I had to draw the line. I can understand why female cosmetics can cost those amounts; when women get their hair styled, it typically is sustained for at least 2 months. However, when men get haircuts, it typically doesn't last more than 2 weeks, if that. Furthermore, people that remember what the more reasonable prices were will have the same reaction I had. Couple that with the fact that barbers are suddenly driving luxury cars and living lavish lifestyles; while customers are being squeezed for profit.

Gen-Z Is Stupid Because You Gave Them All Phones

Gen-Z Is Stupid Because You Gave Them All Phones

By now, most people have decided and rightfully so, that gen-z fucking sucks! They're overly sensitive, group thinkers, with the passion and vigor of strong-minded, ignorant soldiers. But, believe it or not, they aren't entirely to blame for their ignorance, their parents are. The reality is, the outcomes of Gen-Z are all a manifestation of the digital revolution and the parents who just gave their kids cellphones instead of parenting them. Now, most parents will say that "being a parent is hard" and "going to work all day and then coming home and parenting is tiresome", which are valid statements. However, those aren't excuses, you made conscious decisions to have them, which makes them your responsibility. If you didn't want the responsibility, you shouldn't have fucking had kids.

With that being said though, the Gen-z population is entering adulthood so we now speak directly to you. The mistakes that your parents may have made do not absolve you either. Recognize that you brought up in shitty environments and take responsibility for improving yourself. The shit you see on social media whether its tik-tok, instagram, snapchat, twitter etc. is not real. Most of the shit is fake and made up to keep you buying and spending to make the richest people in the world even richer.

Pearl Davis

Shoutout To Sane Women

Kendra G.
Pearl Davis


The "manosphere" on YouTube has come under fire in recent years, and rightfully so in some instances. Some of the members of that community claim to have the answers to all of men's issues, which they don't. However, many unwarranted criticisms of that community have surfaced in backlash to their content. One of those criticisms is that they are misogynists (woman haters). However, those accusations are largely made to discredit some of the axiomatic elements of their content. However, recently there has been an emergence of female content creators that have taken up the fight. From the Melanie King's, Jedediah Bila's, of the world to the Kendra G's and Pearl Davis' of the world; there are now several female content creators that are doing the lord's work.

In one of Jordan Peterson's earlier interviews/debates, he makes a profound delineation about the communication styles of men and women. He states, "we as men know how to handle uncivilized conversations with each other because there are clear lines. However, when conversations with women become uncivil, the actions (violence) that we take toward other men are forbidden by society. Therefore it is sane women that have to come forward to combat this social contagion", and he was completely correct. The issue with the "manosphere"/"red pill" is that most of them are men and it's easy for women to discredit them by calling them misogynists. However, when other women start to come forward and regurgitate those same points, women can't just dismiss them.

With that being said, on behalf of all men, I want to personally thank all of these brave women. Historically speaking, confrontation is not women's nature, so seeing you confront these issues head-on, amazes me. We see and appreciate you. Keep fighting the good fight.


Kanye & Kyrie Are Examples Of What Happens When Blacks Step Out Of “Line”

By now, we've seen all the public ostracization of both Kanye and Kyrie, 2 successful black men who, undoubtedly with their flaws, are symbolic figures of the black community. What has transpired over the past few weeks has been a reminder that no matter how successful we get, we will never be free. The 13th amendment abolishes slavery, or so it says, however, my brothers and sisters, do you feel free? Do you feel liberated, like you're free to truly pursue happiness? Neither do I.

Our most populated sports leagues are owned & operated by people who don't look like us. Our most famous entertainment outlets (B.E.T etc.), are owned & operated by people who don't look like us. Our art & fashion are owned by people who don't look like us. Our communities look like 3rd world countries, our brothers make up the incarcerated majority, and our children are the most uneducated in the world. There's clearly going to be a purging of the workforce. Venture a guess as to what community will be impacted the most by the upcoming layoffs/firing. Yet, for some reason, we continue to put our time and resources into these things that have proven to not be beneficial to us as a people.

If it isn't apparent already, I want to state this for the record. I don't believe that you need to tear down one group to build up another. With that being said, this is not an anti-semitic/anti-white message, this is a pro-black message. To solve our problems, we need one another, but what has been happening to Kanye and Kyrie reminds black people of the "make an example out of him" trope from this nation's period of slavery. Again, this is not to be indifferent to the suffering of the Jewish community; the holocaust was a real and tragic event, and it's not to be minimized, but once Kanye and Kyrie apologized; you don't have to accept them, but you also don't have to ruin their lives either. Peace!


Why People Hate Most Female Superheroes

Over the past few years, there's been a mainstream shift towards female superheroes that has left fans disgruntled. There are a few reasons why most; really all (except Wonder Woman) female superheroes don't sell. First, the market for science fiction/fantasy stories is large men and I think I can speak for most men when I say; "we don't give a fuck strong female characters", especially if it's at the cost of established well received characters. That leads to the second point, the "superhero arch" is fundamentally the story of men, not the story of women. For men to succeed in this world, we must go through the long process of failing at virtually everything, then struggling to learn and master whatever our endeavor is. Women for the most part do not have to involuntarily undergo this process. This is the reason why many of the detractors of these new iterations of shows are men, not because they're "misogynists".

DC superheroes' unite

Another reason these new films are so massively unpopular is, women don't like them either! Sure there's a small(very small) subset of women that may like these new portrayals of heroes but most women fundamentally do not. For most women the "hero" archetype is an object of respect and/or lust and seeing as most women are heterosexual, they don't view themselves that way nor do they want to, they do want to view their potential partners that way. Lastly, while fantasy/sci-fi content is make-believe, there are still certain aspects that push the imagination too far. For example, when a 5'4' female "hero" is taking on multiple 6' tall villains and kicking all their asses easily, that may not have any appeal to your largely male fan base.

Lastly, I want to reiterate that, the backlash to female superheroes is warranted. in particular, the writers do not get enough of the blame for some of their decisions. The most damning of them being the decision to denigrate legacy characters as a way to prop up their female counterparts. Normally this would work, but lately, it hasn't been working primarily because the new characters are poorly developed and written. Peace!


Is Big Pharma Behind LGBT

We're all aware that the government and major pharmaceutical companies have a corrupt relationship. The FDA in particular has had several of its high-ranking officials transition into high-paying positions at some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. So, let's paint a bit of a picture, one letter at a time. Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015, we've seen a mainstream shift seemingly overnight toward massive advocation of the LGBT community. So let's speculate for a second.

L-Lesbian: Women are more prone to depression, therefore they'll be on more antidepressants than ever before which means more money in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.

G-Gay: Gay men are disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS, what have we been seeing a ton of lately; "I use *blank* for PREP" advertisements which no doubt will put more money in pharmaceutical companies' pockets.

B-Bisexual: The best of both L & G.

T-Transgender: Transgender individuals undergo a long process which depending on the age of transition includes: puberty blockers and hormone replacement medications which put even more money in their pockets.

Lastly, many will ask, "what about the QIA". My response is, those extra letters were added as a mask for the real motives.


No One Gives A Fuck About Your Pronouns

Over recent years, free speech has been at the center of the culture war. Telling people what they have to say has become a hallmark of certain communities. These people believe they have the latitude to tell others how we must address them but fail to understand that; no one has to address them at all. The fact that these people are being manipulated and remain ignorant of it is alarming. Moral virtue is one of the most easily manipulatable ideals in modern civilization. As long as people think they're "being kind", they won't process the potentially underlying implications of their actions. It makes my blood boil thinking about just how far this has gone in our society.

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, no one cares

No One Ever Looks At History

"Most bad ideas start off as good ones". Addressing people how they want to be addressed seems benign and compassionate on the surface, however, when you start telling people what they have to say, how they have to think and then directing animosity towards them for not acting the way you want them to; you've crossed the fucking line. Tyranny comes in many forms and what I've just described is one form of it. If someone doesn't address you how you want to be addressed, guess what, you don't have to respond to them. As a matter of fact, no one has to interact at all, it is completely within everyone's free will.


That being said, I don't think that these people should be ostracized from society or made to feel lesser than. I just believe that no one (myself included) should have the right to impose their views or insecurities on other people while attempting to claim some moral high ground in the process. Thanks for reading guys, farewell!


Marvel Is Dying And Disney Is Killing It

" We're gonna make it, you're gonna watch it, and you're gonna like it". Those are the words that distinctly come to mind when I think about the marvel universe post "Phase 3", with the exception of "Spiderman N.W.H." of course. Hardcore Marvel fans will remember the leak of Disney executive; Karey Burke setting forth the "woke" agenda that has since ruined the nature of everything marvels fans like me have come to love about the franchise. It's quite the irony that the "Karen" archetype has become so prominent in our society. It's synonymous with a certain growing demographic of person (nagging, middle-aged white women) that believes they are the center of existence. How does this correlate, you ask? Marvel is at foremost a business, which is driven by profit, which is driven by supply/demand. If a "Karen"(Karey) is at the decision-making helm of the direction of a film franchise like marvel, then their implicit philosophy can manifest as a disregard for demand-driven decisions.

Throughout "Phase 4" of marvel, they've seen a massive decrease in profit, which to a competent executive would indicate that the demand for their content is decreasing. Furthermore, this implication would lead them to identify the root cause of their decrease in demand and rectify it. However, a "Karen" would not take these steps, they would just continue with their agenda with no regard for the demand for the content they are supplying while masking it under a vale of some sort. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Have you been watching some of your favorite content destroyed? The only course of action you have is to make the decisions that are in your best interests. Peace & love!

fat girl eating burger

Men Don’t Think Fat Girls Are Attractive

I've been hearing recently that the "beauty standards" have changed. Let me be very clear, the beauty standards have not changed! There are just far more fat people in America now than ever before which understandably has led companies to consider their bottom line. Furthermore, because women make up the majority of fat people, and the economy is largely driven by female consumerism, any competent business owner would decide to cater their marketing toward the market's driving forces. That being said, companies marketing to cater to fat women has not changed the male perspectives on beauty, it just pushed those perspectives beneath the surface. 

The reality is, men in mass will never find fat women attractive, that's why YouTube has seen the emergence of the "Manosphere". No amount of marketing(programming) is going to change men's innate nature. Furthermore, accountability is a word that often gets overlooked, to achieve the results in life that you aspire for, you must take accountability for your actions/decisions, if you are fat; your decisions/actions made you fat, take accountability for yourself and take the necessary steps to address it. Lastly, this was not a hit piece on women, I love people (women in particular) and I hope to see strong relationships form once again, but the notion that men should accept you as you are; especially if you're fat, is asinine, particularly because you don't accept them as they are. Peace & Love!


Feminism Is Killing Schools

Equality! That is the word that feminists use as a vale to disguise the true nature/intentions of their movement, misandry(male misogyny). When the feelings of students are prioritized over facts or reality, which women tend to express far more than men, that inherently manifests inequality. Feminism has had a malignant influence on academia which has all but plummeted the male population; particularly on college campuses. As a former student, I witnessed the current academic landscape for males firsthand, and the majority of the misandry displayed comes primarily from faculty members which are primarily female-dominated.

Furthermore, according to the numbers, female instructors on average, are more likely to give male students lower marks than female students. They are also more likely to find typical male behaviors problematic. Also, with the emergence of feminism, the effort put toward educating male students has been completely set on the proverbial "back burner" in favor of the education of females. In some cases, particularly in the social sciences, men are not even allowed to speak in any contradictory manner. The combination of these factors in concert with the fact that teaching is a predominantly female profession(74--76%), spells doom for men in education, and they are beginning to realize it, which is why they are dropping out at an alarming frequency.