A.I. Should Replace Teachers 1st
A.I. is officially here and it’s not going away any time soon. A.I. is going to change the world in ways that are currently incomprehensible to average minds. That said, I’m not a major advocate of A.I. because it’s likely going to put most people out of work. However, if there were a sector I would support and advocate completely removing the human element from, it’d be education. Education is the one sector of western civilization that needs to be completely overhauled from top to bottom. The education system has been failing students and broader society for decades now and I think the implications of A.I. would be far more beneficial than they would be detrimental to society.
The Situation
First off, school(particularly college) has become an absolute joke. Once regarded as a rite of passage towards success, college nowadays is viewed as an over-expensive waste of time. Theoretically, education is supposed to be where students enter “stupid” and leave “smart”, or at least smarter than they were. However, over the last decades, kids are not only not coming out “smarter”, they’re coming out noticeably stupider. Nowadays, parents are more frustrated than ever because schools have essentially become activist factories. Furthermore, I think this shift is a direct consequence of faculties/administrations that are quite frankly, terrible at their jobs.
How A.I. Would Help
Secondly, the value of a degree has plummeted because they give one to everybody, and everyone is not deserving. Throughout college, I’ve met countless intelligent people who got lower grades in class simply because they weren’t ass-kissers or because they disagreed with a professor. Conversely, I’ve seen even more complete fucking idiots get great grades in classes they had no business in, simply because they were great ass-kissers. I think A.I. would eliminate biases of that nature almost entirely.
In conclusion, college has become one of the most expensive investments a person can make in their lifetime. I think the number comes out to something like 100x more expensive now than in previous generations. Therefore, I would support A.I. replacing people for this reason as well. Once you invest in the initial cost of acquiring the machines, you no longer have to worry about paying teacher salaries, which should theoretically drive down the cost. Of course, you’d probably need to employ more security guards to maintain the peace in classrooms but their salaries are much lower than that of teachers and administrations. Peace!