#MeToo Hurt Relationships
#MeToo was just about the most detrimental movement to intersexual relations of the 21st century. Over the last half decade, there've been several high profile cases of sexual assault that have propagated the mainstream. The most famous of those cases coming from Hollywood with the Harvey Weinstein debacle. After this became public knowledge, Weinstein was rightfully imprisoned after the scale of his crimes was put on display. Following his conviction, a wave of sexual assault allegations were made against some other high profile individuals. Most notably, beloved actors like Johnny Depp and Bill Cosby. Other cases included lesser known people like Jeffrey Epstein and "associate"(Ghislaine) on the "famed" Epstein Island. Now, most of these cases were rightfully persecuted.
How #MeToo Did It
However, one of those names we just mentioned (Johnny Depp) was unfairly "canceled". Upon the allegations brought against Johnny Depp, he subsequently had all his roles striped, affecting his livelihood. It came out later that he was actually innocent and the public had presumed him guilty without any proper scrutiny of the allegation. At the height of the #MeToo movement, the #believeher mantra began trending all over social media and the Depp situation was a prime example of the idiotic logic that governed it. That said, we didn't know it at the time but this movement would effectively end relationships as we knew them forever.
From that moment on, men who are customarily expected to court, began deciding that dating wasn't worth the risk. Can you blame them, if someone as famous as Johnny Depp can be falsely prosecuted, average dudes stand no chance. Literally over night, he went from being beloved to losing nearly everything because of one vindictive crazy ex. Fast-forward to present day, the dating world is in shambles. What's worse, is that it seems to only be getting worse. If you look on YouTube now, there seems to be a new video everyday going viral about just how badly the scene is now, women complaining all over "Tik-Tok", men withdrawing from society in mass and seeming no one doing shit to address it. I don't know where we go from here, but we better start figuring it the fuck out soon. Peace!
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