Month: March 2023


Lori Lightfoot’s Reign Of Terror Is Finally Over

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, Lori Lightfoot's reign finally ended! Truth be told, finding out she'd lost gave me a delight eerily reminiscent of when Joffrey died in Game Of Thrones. Watching her give a concession speech after that was just the icing on the cake. Now, I'm sure the mindless shills will say some poorly thought-out version of "you just don't support black women". Not true, I don't support bad leaders who seemingly have no fucking clue how to lead. The fact of the matter is, under Lightfoot's watch, Chicago became one of the most crime-infested cities in America. All the while, rents have skyrocketed with no end in sight leading to the homeless population increasing by the minute.

Chicago Under Lori

Although I'm an immigrant, I've spent most of my life in Chicago and I've grown to call it home. Growing up in Chicago, there have always been pockets of crime, mostly on the south and westside's and even smaller pockets on the Northside. However, today, I can say undoubtedly that I've never seen the city in this bad of shape. In 2019, Lightfoot's campaign ran on cleaning up the city and people ate that shit up. Then, for four years, we watched the complete opposite happen. Actually, now that I think about it, she did manage to make "Boystown" a more central neighborhood in the city.

That said, I lost all hope in the political system a long time ago so I don't think we should be excited in any way about the next person to fill that role, they'll probably be as corrupt as all politicians are. Whoever they are, I just hope they understand that hundreds of murders every weekend isn't good for anyone. I want to take this opportunity to wish Lori Lightfoot the best in her future endeavors. I hope she finds a better career in something other than politics but with the way politics works, she might end up the president before the end of the decade. Peace!